Trail running with red light?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 28, 2005
I like to go trail running at night and have been using an ARC LSH. However, been thinking that some sort of colored light might be a better option as will enable me to keep night vision.

Anyone ever tried this idea and got any recommendations?

Absolutely! The Surefire L1-RD (Red LED) is outstanding! I use the "low" setting with an F04 beamshaper filter for night navigation. "The "high" setting will flat stand you up and back you up a step or two after your eyes are night-adapted. It is unbelievably bright for a single-battery LED. Beautiful flood pattern for peripheral vision with the F04. The light is lite enough to clip to the bill of a baseball cap but I use a hearing-aumentation headset. Since I discovered this light thanks to other CPFers, I'm not even looking for anything else. The only thing that gives me pause is the fact that you are moving so fast when running. You may "overrun" the "low" setting output distance and have to use "high". You sure as hell won't overrun the "high" setting.

Hope this helps.