Traiser Teknolight 4 LED


Newly Enlightened
Nov 11, 2001
4 LED light that takes 3 AA batteries. Twist to turn on/off. Special feature: 2 glowing traser lights moulded into the head (see their website to see what a traiser light is) which means you can find the torch in total darkness quite easily.

I had one of these torches from but I quickly sent it back after 2 LED's blew after a few days of intermittant use! Also the track on the LED circuit board which touches the metal strip that runs down to the bottom of the torch was starting to get so badly scratched through twisting the torch on/off i feared that the track on the circuit board may wear off completely.

I have since had a letter back from Traiser saying that it was a design flaw and the US manufacturer Litepro has since modified the design to include a current limiting resistor, and they would change the head for a new one with the reistor free of charge. Still wont stop the track being scratched off tho, so I got my money back.


I had a CC Trek Light that blew a LED also and has a track in LED assembly that would scratch also when turning off and on. Sounds like the same torch with different nametags. That is what I like about the Attitude. 3 LED's and the LED assembly has 2 posts that contact the batteries when bezel is turned down without the abrasive contact. Much better design IMO.
I got one of them too- and have a knackered LED as well. It flickers, it strobes, then it goes out. When I first installed the batteries, the diodes all turned sky-blue in seconds! That`s a bad thing.

I still havn`t contacted Traser myself about this, had my head deep in the design of 3 new web sites (well, 2-1/2) for ages, but I will get in touch soon enough. I got an email from a visitor to my existing site who said he had a duff LED too, and Traser were sending out new LED inserts to all who`d bought the Teknolite- not sure if that only applies to those who write and moan at them, or if they`re blanket-bombing (perhaps a poor choice of phrase, going by what is happening in the world, sorry) their entire customer base to alleviate the problem.

I had a CC Trek Light that blew a LED also and has a track in LED assembly that would scratch also when turning off and on. Sounds like the same torch with different nametags.

They are not the same- the CC-Trek is made by Tektite and has a slimmer body and head, 1000ft waterproof rating and the LEDs are arranged slightly differently in a staggered diamond-shapoe formation. The Teknolite, while fundamentally the same, has some slight differences including a lesser depth ratig of 100m (about 330ft) and the use of a plastic "retainer" thingy that holds all four LEDs pointing in the same direction no matter what you throw at the light, or throw it in to

And it`s got those neat, but slightly dim, Traser glow elements too.

Also the track on the LED circuit board which touches the metal strip that runs down to the bottom of the torch was starting to get so badly scratched through twisting the torch on/off i feared that the track on the circuit board may wear off completely.

I havn`t had this happen to mine but it is a recognised problem with these sort of lights, older Trek models had the same trouble, as does, I believe, the Holly-Solar PLW3 among others. Not sure what can be done to correct it, or if the latest Trek lights still suffer, but mine have been through quite some abuse and are still just fine- so maybe they have.
I agree though, it is a weak-point in the design.

Too bad really, I wanted the Teknolite to be such a good one, it turns out to be only average, redeemed only by the glow elements even if they are too small I think.

The scratched area can be touched up every so often with a new layer of solder. Make sure to do it before you scratch completely past the track and to the board.

Not a permanent fix, but at least it helps.
Also very helpful in lights that activate in that fashion (like my Lightwave 2000), are the contact cleaner/lube combinations-like TV tuner spray cleaners, for instance...
Regularly used, that'll cut down on the wear and tear as well as ensure top performance.