If you can't find them in Germany, you could always ask your family to order them from Traser in the UK. Depending on how many you want, there is a discount... Traser-UK
Thanks Bart. It's not that I can't find them in Germany but do not know where to begin yet.
I know that Bahgeera sells them for a good cause but he only sells them now and then. Not to mention the tedious wrapping to send him money.
I will check into direct sale from Traser at a later time.
GOOD NEWS!!! I found a good source for Glow Rings/Trasers.....
I recently bought a few on e-Bay. There's a vendor on e-Bay from the UK who lists Dutch auctions for them regularly. You can basically buy as many as you want, and they had no problem with shipping to the US. The seller's ID is marky23uk and has an e-Bay store called Frug Shop. Do a search for them. I just checked and they currently have 3 auctions for them. The cost is 5.00 GBP each (approx $7.60 USD) and US buyers can pay via PayPal with no international transfer fees or anything. Shipping was cheap too. When asking for the total, just ask them to give you the equivalent USD total.
I hope this solves our Traser acquisition problems, at least for my fellow US CPFers!