Greetings from Germany.
I can't find informative search results about this.
So many users here have this nice tritium vials in their flashlight pistons, i'd like some too ! :laughing: knows something, but not enough.
The german and english article are not the same.
"Die Aktivität von Glowrings beträgt bis zu 17,5 GBq"
"The activity from glowrings is up to 17,5 GBq"
says the german wiki. They used a trigalight glowring for measuring, it should be the same as the Nite glowring.
Since i'm not a scientist, i have no idea what this GBq means or how to measure it.
"Die Aktivität von Uhren mit Tritiumgaslichtquellen liegt in der Regel unter 1GBq."
"The activity from tritium-wristwatches is usually lower than 1 GBq."
For civilian, everything above 1 GBq is illegal.
Well at least i got a number to work with.
Any idea how much of this GBq activity you can measure from a tritium vial ?
And if it's above 1 GBq, how can i lower the activity to get this little light legal here ?
I am thinking of my Nitecore, if i had a slot in the piston and the tritium vial glued into it, could i fill the slot with more glue or anything transparent to lower the activity ? I'd also like that for safety reasons. I droped my flashlight in the past, i bet it's gonna happen again.
I hate trouble with german law, they take everything soo serious, that's why i'm asking...
I can't find informative search results about this.
So many users here have this nice tritium vials in their flashlight pistons, i'd like some too ! :laughing: knows something, but not enough.
The german and english article are not the same.
"Die Aktivität von Glowrings beträgt bis zu 17,5 GBq"
"The activity from glowrings is up to 17,5 GBq"
says the german wiki. They used a trigalight glowring for measuring, it should be the same as the Nite glowring.
Since i'm not a scientist, i have no idea what this GBq means or how to measure it.
"Die Aktivität von Uhren mit Tritiumgaslichtquellen liegt in der Regel unter 1GBq."
"The activity from tritium-wristwatches is usually lower than 1 GBq."
For civilian, everything above 1 GBq is illegal.
Well at least i got a number to work with.
Any idea how much of this GBq activity you can measure from a tritium vial ?
And if it's above 1 GBq, how can i lower the activity to get this little light legal here ?
I am thinking of my Nitecore, if i had a slot in the piston and the tritium vial glued into it, could i fill the slot with more glue or anything transparent to lower the activity ? I'd also like that for safety reasons. I droped my flashlight in the past, i bet it's gonna happen again.
I hate trouble with german law, they take everything soo serious, that's why i'm asking...