Triton Charging question.


Nov 30, 2006
Melbourne, Australia.
I have a few issue with the Triton charger and looking for your interpretation.

1. Charging Nimh and NiCd often stopped too early. I often get another 300 to 2000 mah after starting the charge process again.

2. Charging nimh and NiCd can sometimes significantly charged above the stated capacity of the batteries. I end up manually stopping the charging process.

I always set the charging current < 1C.

So what have I done wrong here.
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Re: Triton Charger question.

Check your Input Capacity parameter setting as that's a very common mistake. The input capacity will always be higher becasue of heat loss, etc.
Re: Triton Charger question.

Yes, I set it to 2500mah and that would account for the problem in association with overcharging. However, I assume Triton could detect the delta signal accurately and stop the charging process. Is this a common issue to all of you that it could not?
Re: Triton Charger question.

LA OZ said:
Yes, I set it to 2500mah and that would account for the problem in association with overcharging. However, I assume Triton could detect the delta signal accurately and stop the charging process. Is this a common issue to all of you that it could not?
You just set it to 2500 or it was? Don't confuse "Input Capacity" with the setting in the ten memory locations as that is only for identifying the setup!

What makes you think that your overcharging?
Hello LA OZ,

We really need more information...

If you are charging a 2000 mAh cell at 2 amps and the Triton puts 5000 mAh into the cell, that is a significant overcharge.

Give us as many details as you can.

I charged 2 x AAA nimh rated as 600mah each and the charing current was set to 0.4amp. It was getting into the 900mah and still going. I got a bit nervous and stop the process. The batteries are just warm to the touch.

In another situation while I was charging a 1200mah capacity AA at 0.8amp current, it go for 100mah and stopped. I restart the process after 1 min. The charing process was still running at about 1400mah. Again, I got a bit nervous and stop the charge.

I am using a 12V 8amp PC power supply. AA and AAA battery holders.
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Hello LA OZ,

Personally, I would charge at 500 mA for the AAA cells, and 1000 mA for the AA cells, but your rates should work.

It is my humble opinion that your battery holders are adding some additional resistance to the charging set up and this is causing your termination problems. If you want to use those battery holders, I would suggest that you reduce your charging rate and set a timer to manually terminate the charge.

I will caution you against using 1000 mA or higher with most battery holders. I have had several melt down during charging. I went to a clamp set up like Cy has shown and have not had problems.

Cy has a thread on his battery charging holder. You should dig it up and read through it.

I would check your supply seems like your getting some errors, likely cuased by dirty power. I felt I personally had some charging issues with my triton years ago before I traded it for some 6cell sub c packs, I have been toyin gwith the idea of a triton Jr, great price.
OK, I was thinking the same line that the holder could be the problem. I am getting a commercially made power supply rated at 13.5V and 6-8amps power supply and give it another go, but I honestly believe the battery holder is the problem.
LA OZ - Not sure that this really helps with your Q, but it may help with your Triton - Your PS is too small. I have the Triton2 and things changed a bit from the original. However, Triton still recommends a power supply that can hold 10 amps at 12V. The Triton is best if operated between 11.5A and 15.0A. Your PS may be causing part of your problems. Good luck. Kirk
I use the Pyramid 12 Amp continous/14 Amp surge with my Triton2 and it works great. You can find them for about $48 plus around $15 shipping.
LA OZ said:
Ah, another factor to consider, and expensive way to learn :(.

Isn't it though? I bought a 10A, and then realized that with my exceptionally low Karma rating lately, I had better get something a little bigger. I checked with my seller and he recommended a 13A. Kirk
I should mention that I'm charging a LarryK14 using 24 Sub C's so its doing up to 2.5 Amps @35 volts. Amperage will go up considerably with lower voltage packs.
I've had a few problems using Radio Shack holders but it was a oddball undercharging situation but never a overcharging like yours. I had a strange one while using a Serius Forming charger on some PowerEx 1Ah AAA where the spring contact got hot enough to lose their tension. That's at .1C too! Your problems are odd because your going from one extreme to the other.