Turbohead Questions.. (C3)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 9, 2001
I searched the archives and I noticed that there was very little discussion about turboheads. If anything, it sounded like the overall opinion of turboheads was that it was not worth the money, and that I would be far better off starting off with something like an Ultrastinger, which was designed for such a purpose.

And.. when I look at the price, I can understand why:

C3 Turbohead = ~$80
Ultrastinger = ~$80
Any thoughts?
Many would suggest the SureFire "Steve Ryan"
SRTH from LPS for your C3[-BK?]. It's an extremely compact, light-weight TurboHead Bezel that produces a narrow beam for longer range target illumination.
If you have a C3-HA, the best match is the KT2-HA. Based on the SRTH and KT TurboHeads I have, the KT doesn't produce quite as tight a beam with the N2 lamp. The KT TurboHeads are Pyrex and so heavier then the old Lexan lens versions. The KT's are still pretty compact though.

If you need a long range beam for duty use, the UltraStinger is one of your best bets according to many. It's longer and heavier but rechangeable.
I don't have an UltraStinger so I can't compare it to my SureFire TurboHead collection.

The price of SureFire TurboHeads has come down. They are dedicated to producing thin intense long range beams (Although the KT3 is a major disappointment compared to the Classic T3).

Remember that SureFire has four TurboHeads that will fit the C3 (KT, SRTH, "12PM" or T) and it can power one of three Lamp Assemblies (N2, MN15 or MN16) so you have many options and combinations. Also, your TurboHead and the appropriate lamp assembly can be used on any standard two cell body such as the G2Z, or even with a dedicated adapter, the 8NX/8AX.

Perhaps one of the reasons why there appears to be little TurboHead discussion is because few of us require such tools for our jobs. And by the very nature of the larger diameter reflector size, we find them difficult or inappropriate for general casual carry or use.

I personally use my M3T a lot. I find it to be very useful in the sub-rural environment that surrounds where I live. I also use models like the 10X and Classic 9NT fore longer range illumination.

Please check out past TurboHead topics on SIDB (Strategos International Discussion Board), and here on CPF concerning the SRTH.



Al has provided a concise but authoritative summary of the turbohead situation.

Here is a thread which may prove useful:


I did have a rather longer post
in the works but I needed quite a few photos that are no longer online

In the end I cut my post down because I actually intend people to actually read it!

Sodakar, if you need compact long range illumination, the SureFire TurboHeads are most certainly worth it.

Size15s, Brightnorm -- thank you both for your informative/insightful posts. I've only known of the KT-series, and was somewhat surprised that I was not able to find a ton of posts on it on CPF, or on the SF board. This is probably because I was ignoring all references to the SRTH, as I dismissed it as an unofficial mod. (boy, was I wrong...)

With your help, I was able to easily find more information on the KT2 and SRTH, but I cannot seem to find the third turbohead. Are you referring to the older-style, 3" turbohead? If so, is this still available?

It seems that the more time I spend looking for SureFire stuff, that I find that they make a lot of "unofficial/non-catalogued stuff"... Amusing. Reminds me of In-N-Out and their hidden menus.

Anyhow, my E1e, E2e, and Arc LS are compact enough to carry around, so I find them to be extremely useful. But.. the C3 is a bit too large, and I find myself rarely using it -- mainly because of its size, as was mentioned. When I do pull out a flashlight of that size, I usually need more range or power+runtime, so your insight is much appreciated. Perhaps a SRTH (range) and KL3 (runtime) are in order...

Much to think about -- many thanks for your wisdom,

EDIT - I should clarify my last sentence about wanting a SRTH and a KL3. While that may seem horribly conflicting in terms of range requirements, the truth is -- my real plan is to simply get more usage out of my C3 -- whether it be by obtaining longer throw, or longer runtime...
The "12PM" TurboHead, and the "T Series" (3") TurboHead are discontinued. You may still be able to located old stock. If you do but decided not to buy please let us all know because I've got three 3" T's and I want another one.

The SRTH is only available through LPS I believe.

If you went by SureFire's site, they would have a large range, but if you go by all the information I've gathered since 1998, it'll take you the best part of 4 years to try to understand it all!

The good news is that the major complexity is with their thousands of WeaponLight options that most people don't tend to get involved with here. Also, in the last few years, SureFire have really tried to make their flashlight range simple and easier for the public to find out about.

Someone may be able to put the TurboHead photo online so you can see what we're discussing.

Your C2 is black?
The SRTH & N2 Lamp and KL3-BK will be worthy Bezels for sure!


Originally posted by Size15s:
I did have a rather longer post
in the works but I needed quite a few photos that are no longer online

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Al,

Was that the project you and Jahn were supposed to be working on, testing all sorts of SF combinations? That would be a worthy project. A real shame if it is proving impractical.

Originally posted by Size15s:
...Someone may be able to put the TurboHead photo online so you can see what we're discussing.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I have that great "Surefire Turbohead Evolution"
photo but it's in a word file and I don't know how to post it.

If someone will give me instructions (please keep it simple and clear, I'm not very computer literate)

Hi Brightnorm,
to post a pic you first need to get a host for them. Please go to ImageStation and register. After that go to your account and follow instructions to upload pics and create an album. Once you have done that, go to the pic you want to post, right-click it and select properties. copy the url and go to your post, hit the "image" button, and paste the url. hit ok and you're done...

If this doesn't work for you I can put it up for you, just mail me...

If the looks of the turbohead is not
important to you, then you definitely should
try the SRTH (from LPS). The beam it projects
using the N2 is quite amazing and it's rated
for 60minutes, and it's only 2.5". I actually
use the C3 with the SRTH. I can't imagine
having a need for anything that throws further
than that unless one is on a search mission.

My next toy is going to be the C2 or D2 with
the SRTH (using N1 bulb), but it won't be till
end of the month. Wondering if anyone has
this 'toy' with pix of the beam.
Indeed, this is a ton of information that's buried all over the 'net, and in the heads of you SureFire veterans...
I, for one, am happy that their product line is fairly easy to understand (at least now). However... it would be really nice if I could click on a flashlight, and have every accessory that fits show up on the webpage as well... Time to submit a wishlist for surefire.com...

As for the turboheads... I haven't had much luck finding any of the older 3" turboheads... Bummer.

And... I also just noticed that the SRTH doesn't seem to come in HA... D'oh.... My HA C3 would look kinda funny with a black head... (grr) We shall see....

Thanks again for everyone's help!
Here is a shot of the SRTH Turbohead on a 9P using an N2 lamp (105 lumens) compared to an M3 w/MN10 (125 lumens)


As you can see the SRTH focuses the beam into a very tight area. I think it is a great buy for your C3, especially if it's black.

Having said that, the Ultrastinger will overpower the SRTH w/N2 and it is rechargeable & cheaper. The major downside to the Ultrastinger is it's length: 11.5".

That makes it more awkward to carry than your C3 with a Turbohead.
Quite impressive pic, Sean.... thanks! (BTW, I love your website -- too bad geocities is cheap on bandwidth, and I'll usually get locked out after a while...)

I still have not been able to find the 3" turbohead... The SRTH is looking better and better each day, so as long as I can ignore the fact that it doesn't match the HA on my C3... ;p

It looks like the SRTH will fit okay with the C3 holster though, so I am hopeful..

Thanks again!
Jahn & I have not been able to meet up

Something about being banned from the City of London...

Anyway, I need a curry so meeting Jahn is getting important to me from a more important consideration.

I also now have a large number of SF123As to use up.


Originally posted by Size15s:
...Anyway, I need a curry so meeting Jahn is getting important to me from a more important consideration....
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Perhaps a tiny dab of curry carefully smeared over the lens of a Magcharger could act as an edible version of Fellowes Writerite?

Originally posted by LLLean:
...My next toy is going to be the C2 or D2 with the SRTH (using N1 bulb), but it won't be till end of the month. Wondering if anyone has
this 'toy' with pix of the beam.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">No Pics but I have all. D2 + SRTH or especially 3" + N1 = perfect round spot. But it doesn't begin to compare to D3 + SRTH + N2

Originally posted by *Bart*:
Hi Brightnorm,
to post a pic you first need to get a host for them. Please go to ImageStation and register. After that go to your account and follow instructions to upload pics and create an album. Once you have done that, go to the pic you want to post, right-click it and select properties. copy the url and go to your post, hit the "image" button, and paste the url. hit ok and you're done...

If this doesn't work for you I can put it up for you, just mail me...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Bart,

I'll mail you. Thanks


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