Turn signal: prices

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2001
Mesa, AZ. USA
I like it when people use their turn signal. Its lets me plan ahead. Normally companies don't like to mention a sale ahead of time because then people won't buy what your offering now.

As you know, we ran a 1wk sale on the camos. regularly 44.95, closed out to 24.95 and now at 34.95. Explanation: We made a bunch of Camo awhile back. The special anodize costs about $6 per light more than the HA we normally use so for our normal margins, they should cost more than the Premium. It is cosmetic though since HA wears better. Any rate, people asked for it, we made a batch. We had a bit in inventory and wanted to get rid of a bunch so we marked them down. In about a week, we had reduced their numbers sufficiently and we brought the price back up. We plan on keeping them at $34.95 until they run out. We may or may not make more of them. When they were at $24.95, we sold quite a bit of them. Kind of surprising actually. Our normal customer is looking for Arc quality but I think with this sale we appealed to the price concious group as well. Pros and cons. Lowering the price tends to devalue the product, upset collectors, dealers, etc but it does convert some customers who were sitting on the fence. Now they have an Arc and they are more likely to buy from us in the future. We make most of our sales from word of mouth and repeats so expanding our base is a good thing.

Snow LED. This is an experiment. Another customer request. We will see how they do. So far, the sales are ok but not as hot as the DS (which surprised everyone here). We haven't sold the 50 yet. Even when we do, I may not make anymore. Depends on how quickly it rushes up to the sales goal. At least we now have some indications of what a white tint can do sales-wise compared to a slightly brighter and more expensive unit.

The snow should start shipping today. Since this is a test marketing, we used packs marked with either standard or premium designations. The way you can tell this is a snow is that the LED looks different in the head and of course, when you turn it on.

The plan with the DS is to eventually take over the mantle of the Premium in every way except that it is brighter. The price is currently at a $5 premium because the DS LED is so new and hard to get for manufacturers (some are now getting them). But eventually things will return to a more normal condition. You'll notice I have already pulled the old 5.5lm premium off the website.

The standard Arc-AAA is mostly a straw man. Some people buy it but it is really to provide a contrast for the Premium. There is also a charity and gift aspect. Ideally, we try not to sell them. I know that sounds weird but the economics guys will understand. That being said, we do have a bunch of standards and it would be nice to reduce their number a bit more quickly. So for the time being, I am running a sale on them at $19.95. At some point, the LED will be upgraded to the 5.5lm CS and the price back up to 29.95.

The goal is to get back to a standard, premium and uv product with occasional special build items like the camo, snow, etc.

Of course, dealers don't like it when we have sales and then don't discount the sale price even further for them. I expect things to calm down in a month or two. We are trying to offer the dealers some perks in the mean time.

Last month's sales were the highest for any month this year and this month (October) has already surpassed last month's sales. So the owners are happy of course. I would attribute the increase in sales mostly to the new DS LED but to a lesser extent the new products (UV, snow) and the closeouts. The big winner here is the DS LED.

Thanks again for your patronage.

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Peter, is the standard on sale or on closeout? That's what I think confused people. Normally, "sale" means you temporarily lower the price for some reason, with the intention of putting it back later. "Closeout" means you're trying to get rid of the inventory so the price stays lowered until the units are all gone.

Anyway, $19.95 for an Arc is very hard to resist, and 3 lumens is a perfectly good level for an EDC light. The CMG Ultra-G is 3 lumens and is still hotly sought after on BST, selling for $35 or so. I still use my old AAA-Standard (back when the premium was also 3 lumens) and it's still going strong. So I'll probably order at least one of the closeout AAA standards. Yes I'll probably get a DS eventually too. In fact I hope you do a 3 lumen DS version someday, using the higher efficiency to triple the runtime.

Maybe you could put the snow version on the same sales page as the other versions. I'm sure they'll sell steadily.
Good point but it is both a sale and a closeout. Close out for the 3lumens spec but a sale for the standard product. Hmm. Hopefully people aren't too confused.

You bring up a good point about 3 lumens. For comparison, the mag Solitaire is rated at 2.5 lumens.

btw, I do plan on toning things down a bit with the sales and price changes. We had to turn some inventory but things should settle down soon.

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Granesee - snip, snip ... "Now they have an Arc and they are more likely to buy from us in the future.

Amen to that.
I have several that I picked up used, but had to get in on the $19.95 special. :thumbsup:. Next, the new LS :whistle:.

Peter, thanks for your hard work, dedication and passion. Without it the flashlight world would be a little dimmer for us all.

Peter, I have a snow AAA on order. Can I add an AAA-S to the existing order to combine shipping?

Edit: whoops, guess not, I just got email notice saying my Snow shipped today. :)
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Good point but it is both a sale and a closeout. Close out for the 3lumens spec but a sale for the standard product. Hmm. Hopefully people aren't too confused.
You mean the new "standard" is going to be a CS once the premium is a DS? :wow: :thumbsup:
I think the DS is the new "P" and the CS is the new "standard" What was the LED in the current "standard" anyways?
if you want to beat this month's sales, i have one suggestion:


or PD or LS or whatever you are calling it!!!can't wait

As I understand it, and maybe I'm forgetting stuff:

Nichia BS = about 3 lumens, used in both the old (Arc LLC) standard and the new standard, very noticable blue tint

Nichia BX = also about 3 lumens but with slightly better tint than the BS, used in the old (Arc LLC) premium, no longer used. This is the one I'm least sure of.

Nichia CS = about 6 lumens with blue tint like BS, used in current production AAA premium, but will be discontinued in the premium in favor of DS once supplies of DS are more plentiful. Might be used in AAA standard in the future--can we hope?

Nichia DS = about 9 lumens, new and scarce led available in "super premium" at temporary $5 extra charge, but will be in the "regular" premium once it's less scarce. Apparently somewhat improved tint compared with BS/CS.

"Snow" (will Peter reveal the actual make and model of this led): about 6 lumens but with good tint (not just "slightly improved" like in the Nichia leds mentioned above), maybe has some longevity problems, used in special 50 piece run (get one now while you still can!) as sales experiment.

UV: what it sounds like

Other led colors (red, yellow, etc): have been used in Arc AAA's of the distant past, no apparent immediate plans to offer them again.
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Well I had to order a "few" (Christmas is coming you know!) - and of course have to see a "snow" and a "DS" as well. I must learn to control myself better, more often, and find more treasures to sell!! :ohgeez:!!
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So let me get this straight, the Arc-AAA is going, the Arc-P will become the Arc-AAA, the Arc-P DS the Arc-P, and the Arc-P camo & Arc-P Snow are limited? The Arc-AAA LE was an improvement to the previous-previous Arc-AAA, but is also an Arc-P, not the new Arc-P but the `now old' Arc-P non-DS?

I suggest you consider giving each iteration of Arc-AAA it's own stable identifier, for example-
Arc-AAA CS - 3.3 lumen Arc being phased out
Arc-AAA CSP - 5.5 lumen Arc, was premium
Arc-AAA Snow - Snow Arc
Arc-AAA UV - UV Arc
Arc-AAA DS - New one

- and physically label them as such. You're against a problem quite common in the software world, recognizing products by `old' and `new' is temporal & subjective. At the moment you've got a pseudo-CVS versioning system of `2005-2007.5 Arc-P' that needs a page of release history to know where it stands in your product line.

This is of course, just my $0.05 of what I hope is constructive criticism before you do any major name-changes. In the mean time I'm trying to convince myself not to buy a DS...
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OK, that happened faster than I expected. We sold out of all the 3 lumen standards in less than 24hrs. We have enough to fill the orders currently on the books but we are not taking any new orders for them. I plan on selling the remaining loose BS leds we have in bulk sometime soon.

The website has just been updated to show the standard is now back to its normal price and the lumen rating has been increased. new Orders going forward for the standard will now have the CS LED and cost $29.95.

What size pkg would be good for the bulk bs leds? I was thinking $20 for 100pcs. Could be used in fixed lighting, automotive map lights, backlighting, upgrade your landscape lights, etc. We might offer a few bags of CS as well for more of course. No plans to sell the snow, ds or uv yet since those are in short supply.

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