Turn X5 into Headlamp?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2003
Oakland, CA
I saw a product at Walmart today (only go there for there good deal on .40 S&W ammo) that you use to strap a mini-mag to the side of your head. It was a poor design because it didn't provide a way to pivot the light. However, I like the concept. Anyone know of a decent product I can use to convert my X5 into a headlamp?

-- Dizos
Not that I know of, offhand. Most of these things are designed for the minimag. Other AA lights are different diameters. Only a problem with hard plastic mounts, not the elastic ones.

I have a niteize headband, and the Arc LS with TSP-123 pack fits into it. You might want to look at this item at escape outdoors:


It is something I am interested in getting. problem is that you don't know if it will work with the X5, until you try it. Cheap enough to try though.
My Nitize headband has a stretch loop inside a stretch loop to accomodate different sizes. My X5, ARC LS 2AA, and MiniMag's with BB500's fit the larger loop and my ARC AAA fits the smaller inner loop, but I have never tried my wider X5T. Only one light at a time can be mounted.
>>duct or electrical tape

Gotta be electrical tape, since the guvmint has everybody and their brother buying up all the duct tape and plastic wrap!
The problem with the Nitize strap (this is the one I saw in Walmart) is that the flashlight points straight ahead so you would end up blinding everyone else when you are wearing it. The product that Charles brought up sounds like it will work with the two positions temple pointing straight ahead and cranium pointing the flashlight downwards (for wearing around camp).

I still would like to find something that can do more angles.

-- Dizos
inove is coming out with a headlight soon...

i suggest either duct or electrical tape...depending on what you have around the house.