TV show called CSI...SureFire ladened program


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
Last Friday I was at my moms...she doesn`t have cable. So, desperate to maintan a little sanity, I setteled for air TV(only watch the history, discovery type shows at home}. There was a show called CSI (two shows back to back) that had a SureFire light shining about every other scene. Nice ones too.


PS: the show it`s self was great.
My dad loves that show, and I think he might be onto something--you see, every time they pull out the torch they find just what they're looking for
Actually they`ve used a mixture of lights throughout their seasons. Scorpions, Stingers, Ultrastingers, 6Ps, M4s, a Magcharger I think (big, lumpy and not so bright), and some others I couldn`t ID. Oh, and the Legend LX a time or two.

Should I drag out my stillshots again? Oh, go on then.




Has anyone else ever noticed, 9 times out of 10 on an investigation, when they walk into a room it is poorly lit and they alway reach for their flashlights - never a light switch!
"light switch" is a taboo word here at CPF. If everybody used a "light switch", there'd be less need for a Flashaholic to have a flashlight to hand...

Some people just don't get it!

It's a great show. So far, I've never missed an episode. Have you noticed, that lots of their story lines are based on actual events. They change the actual event somewhat. There's going to be a new spinoff series this year. I agree that they use various lights.
They use that other light too, that UV one, on occasion. It's a Streamlight of some sort yes?
err... Yeah! , that's what I meant - the switch on the back of the flashlight. (I knew I'd catch some grief over this post.)
Light Switch? Bah!

I`ve accidentally left lights turned on in basements and attics following my testing of the fire detection equipment on those places, and got a real b*ll*cking over it from the caretakers (janitors). So, now, to minimise that occurence I rarely look for that little flat plastic thing on the wall by the door, and reach for the 9N strapped to my overly ample waist instead. The only one who gets a little p!ssed at leaving that one on is me, and years of highschool have taught me that I don`t matter.

Plus it`s more fun.

Oh, an interesting fact- the CSI guys might be on to a good thing blasting everything with M4s to find that obscure bit of evidence. A couple times now, I`ve dropped tiny irreplaceable terminal-screws on the floor, and my 9N (or M3) has found them again within seconds. No lite, no findy screw, and then the immediate need to replace a whole strip of terminals. Odd, that. They must put magic bulbs into these SureFires, I tell ya

I never leave home without at least two.
At work, I'm finding that I go to the stationary cupboard a lot, and the light switch is behind the door when the door is open, so I usually just use my E2e to find what I need.
Also, when I go down to the basement archives, the lighting is so poor that I need a torch just to read the reports.

It seems that CSI and The X Files are set in the dark a lot. Also, whenever they use a flashlight, the air is dirty enough for the beam to be seen even in houses, offices and labs.

"It seems that CSI and The X Files are set in the dark a lot. Also, whenever they use a flashlight, the air is dirty enough for the beam to be seen even in houses, offices and labs."

Don't you watch the credits? Right above food stylist theres a "beam stylist"
no really!
Look again! I'll think you'll see that the small lights are Scorpions and the larger lights are Stingers.