UCL Lens Replacement For G2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
Can you simply pry out the OEM lens and direct swap the UCL in? Can you reuse the OEM O-ring?
There IS NO NEED to deform the bezel as indicated in the post above as the deformation will be apparent when threaded to the body. I know :mecry:. Best bet option is to take a small flat-head screwdriver and carefully pry the ring loose around the circumference before unthreading the bezel ring counter-clockwise. Careful unseating worked on both an older G2 and a recently shipped G2L.
Yo, a little boiling in a bag and a pair of fine tipped needle nose pliers has always worked well for me. If you don't have a pair of fine tipped ones- take a file to a pair you do have, 10 minutes and you will be ready to work. Just keep working till the pliers nose matches the notches in the bezel.