UD: W/pics Thor / Johnlite 15MCP Same light ?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 27, 2004
I got the light today. Can anybody tell if it's the same as you all call the "Thor"? I have not charged it yet, but it throws really well. If anybody wants to I will post picture of throw when it's charged and its dark outside.



SWEET... That's one deep reflector! Throw pics would be great. Do you have anything to compare it to like maybe another spotlight? And does it really weigh 24 pounds?
lol.. I tried to place it on my kitchen weight not but it just reads error /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif. This is one heavy light. My 3.5MCP Johnlite with a 12V 2.5amp battery is like a feather in comparison.

Does anybody know why the charge lamp flashes when I connect the AC charger? Is it because the battery charge is complete?
yes please post beam shots,and comparisons to other lights, espically 10Mcp thor.

How many watt lamp does it use?
I bought it a store in Sweden.

Where did you here it should way 24 pounds? I think mine ways about 12-14 pounds, this is an estimate because I don't have a weight that does more then 11 pounds.

Again anybody knows why the red light is flashing when connected to the AC charger? The user guide that came with the light is translated to Swedish, and a lot got lost along the way i think.
WooHoo!!! Some one finally got a 15 million CP Thor. The big question is, how does it compare to the 10 milliuon VCP Thor.

Please!!!!....Beamshots are a must!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think it's the same 12v 7amp battery.

Beam Shot. This is taken about 150 yards away, so you can compare to "Kenshiro Super Shootout 2 pics and review"

The light got dim realy fast and has only been charged about 2hours since I got it. The yellow in the picture is my bad digi camera.

The beam shows to be a narrow spot even at greater distances. I can easily light up a apartment compound about 600-700yards away, but then the light show some major side spill.

By far this is the greatest spot I have I my collection. If modded this would be the DEVIL! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Awesome!!! that thing just looks redicoulous. I didn't think the 10MCP looked that crazy, but this!!! Now that's more like it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I wonder if it will have a tigther beam with the deeper/larger reflector. I imagine so... I'd really like to see a comparision between the 10mcp one. Light up anything! Range, As far as it will go!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Ummmmm.....What ever is possible I suppose. It doesn't really matter to me, I just want to see some beamshots.

What's the farthest away point you could find to light up? 150 yards would be a great distance for comparison shots with spotlights. Anywhere near you that would work?

Also, what other lights do you have for comparison?
Look UP. It's now charging for 15 hours as I used the last power to warm my girlfriends feet from 3yards away /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I think you need to charge it overnight or 7+ hours I believe.

That seems very impressive. I still wonder though how it looks compared to the 10mcp one, as I don't have one for reference.

The beam looks nice and smooth. I wonder if this would look like a highpowered searchlight if you waved it back and forth in the air? Could people see the beam for a couple of miles? McDonalds re-built on our blvd here and they have a small spotlight, I'm so tempted to jump on their roof and run off wiht it!!! hehe /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well, I could go and type something else, but I'm lazy so ditto what IsaacHayes said. Very impressive.

And thanks for the pics!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh.gif
I have from a credible source that the 10MCP Thor's beam is visable for at least 10k feet from the air, so the 15MCP would be crazy. .
That reflector does look like it's deeper than the 10 million version. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
More light going forward this way. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif
The reflector is deeper than a 10 mcp Thor. I believe the deeper reflector was for the florescent tube model they have out. They then stuck a H4 bulb in it and labelled it 15 mcp because of the deeper reflector. When it comes to reflectors though bigger is usually better. I would like to see beam patterns etc.
yep, thats a 15mcp Thor /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Looks great
