UK Light Cannon = WOW!


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2000
S.F. Bay Area, CA
I just got my Light Cannon in the mail a couple of hourse ago! As expected, this darned thing is freakin' BRIGHT.
I can't wait to try it out tonight in the darkness!

Here's a couple of quick observations:

  1. <LI>The lantern handle will NOT fit on the same switch as the latter prevents full mounting of the former.
    <LI>The included wide angle filter should make this light great for lighting up areas - it's very very diffuse.

I'll post more impressions and pictures after I play with the thing some more.
Well, as promised, here are some pics and observations about the LC100:

The Light Cannon comes standard with a pistol grip handle. I don't dive and so I got the optional lantern style handle as well. As I noted before, the lantern handle can't mount all the way forward because the switch gets in the way:

Fortunately, I was still able to reverse the handle and get what (to me) is an acceptable compromise position:

Another available option was to mount handle on the opposite side of the light's body, but I didn't want the switch to be exposed to snagging or impacts. As you can see below, the square-shaped shaft of the light has mounting dovetails at the 12 and 6 o'clock positions and male mounting points at 3 and 9 o'clock, presumably for mounting to an underwater camera's light bracket:

Like any other admitted Flashlightoholic, I got his light because I knew it would be "disgustingly bright" - and boy am I not disappointed!
I don't have a lux meter (yet!) and so I can't give you number crunchers quantitative numbers at this time.

But I can comfortably say that this thing is probably the brightest portable/battery-powered light that I've got. (Before anyone asks, I don't have an SureFire M6, but am on a waiting list for the 10X Dominator) The only thing that I've got that might even remotely be close is my Turbocat S32 bicycle headlight system, and its rated at 44 watts. (I couldn't do a comparison this evening as the Turbocat battery needed to be charged)

I was impressed by the light's ability to visibly light up a building over a city block away despite the presence of streetlights and the fact that it's reflector is only 2.25" in diameter and not a (to use the technical term) "big honkin' dish"

One of the first thing that I noticed about the HID lamp is it's frosted tip:

Never having previously examined another HID light in detail, I can't say for sure if this is common or not. (Ted Bear?)

Removing the bezel reveals a faceted aluminum reflector. Pop the reflector off of the assembly and one finds an honest-to-goodness heat dissapating assembly surrounding the bulb!:

I haven't run the light long enough yet to determine how hot the light gets, but I suspect the warnings about burning fingers and the heat sink aren't put there for show.

I'll try to post more impressions and/or pictures as I use the light more. Here's a final image that shows the unit's relative size:
Hiya Xenon,

I got the Light Cannon from Beacon Worldwide for $200 plus shipping. FWIW, they told me a couple of days ago that I got the last one that they had in stock.

The 6P (with the standard P60 lamp assembly) is rated at 65 lumens; the Light Cannon lists it's brightness as 450 lumens. We're talkin' not-even-remotely-close!

The beam also "looks" a lot brighter because the HID lamp puts out a very very white beam compared to typical bulbs like halogens. Ya know all those luxury sedans with the super bright/bluish-white headlights? HID!
Sounds very very nice YeeDude.

It's plastic bodied right ?

(I don't actually like either of the handle options, but that's just a non-point really.)

It looks quite small - could one build it into another casing relatively easily ?

What sort of beam angle do you get from it?

And how does it actually behave in the initial 20 seconds after start-up ?

So.....the rest of you can see the pictures? It`s just me then, whos system flatly refuses to load them?

Anyone notice any other problems with some sites lately- ie the Photon board for example- doing a similar thing? Or is it time to get me a new modem....?

Well after a lot of poking and prodding, and a swift kick in just the right place on the side of the PC, the pics finally appeared for me. Nice one- looks great

Only one problem remains.....I simply must have one now!

I can hear my credit card groaning already!

Damn that light looks too cool!

Put one of those things on my wheelchair and never go over a curb or get hung up in a pothole again.

This is one of those times where not having a credit card or a good income really hurts... guess I'd better plan on saving both the birthday money AND the Christmas money... I've *got* to have one of these lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can it be run from 12 volts?
Nice pics and very cool light! Youch on the price tho!

It wouldn't surprise me if this isn't a car HID setup with a brighter bulb and focused reflector.

How many batteries in there? 12v worth, I bet.
Although, with the step-up it likely uses, it may not be 12v...
It's fantastic when people use photos for help make comparisons. I can't wait to see some beam shots with that bikelight, and various other lights you can get hold of.

I may well get an LC100. You posts help!


Lite-Lover: Yep, it's plastic. Fairly beefy construction as its rated to a depth of 500 feet.

Here's a picture of the light fieldstripped:

You could use the light without any handle, but it's a bit on the chunky side and the switch is exposed to being snagged or hit:

One could concievably build another case for the light as the body doesn't have any metal contacts or conductors in it:

Personally, I'd probably stick with the stock body as it's fairly sturdy and simple.

The light does take about 20 seconds to get to it's full brightness. It initially starts out dim and bluish and continously gets brighter and whiter.

The catalog for the light lists a beam angle of six degrees and the thing came with two diffusing filters that can be used singly or in combination to produce a very nice wide beam with no hotspots. (This I should be able to photograph nicely once I find a dark wide area to set up my camera and tripod)

Size15s: Hmm.. I'm trying to think of a good way of comparing the light output of various lights in a "real world" situation. Maybe pictures of the beams' "reach" and width at night in an alley?

(BTW, are these image sizes OK for everyone? I'm shooting at a lowest resolution setting on my digital camera and cropping whenever possible to minimize the download time for those still using dialup accounts)

Chris M.: Yeah, I know the feeling.
(Oh, that's NOT what they mean when they say to reboot your machine!)

telephony: You're in luck - it runs on 8C cells, or 12 volts.

Gadget: UK's webpage for the Light Cannon says its 10 watts but equivalent to a 25 watts.

Here's a better picture of the heatsink and bulb for those who are interested:

Edwood: I spoke with Bright Guy a few days ago and he told me that he's out of stock; has had them on order for about a month now. He should be getting some into stock within a few weeks.
YeeDude, great photo's and info, er - dude !

Just one small request - please when *someone* posts photos, include a ruler in the close-ups, and maybe a photo of the happy owner in one of the shots. Just curious !

Your image sizes are just right, they don't widen the whole page to make reading a matter of scrolling sideways all the time. Loads quickly too.

And the Light Cannon is only $175 ......
That's a little closer to the mythical $25 HID Videocal posted about some time ago - shucks, what a disappointment that one was ......

I take it you`re using an Excite WebShots photo album to host the pics? Any chance you can post a link taking us directly to the photo album pages- cos they`re not showing up again here and it`s driving me mad

It`s OK you don`t need to worry about it now- they all miraculously popped up all of their own accord just a minute ago (OK I had to prod the last one a bit but it`s here now).

It`s a mystery why it`s being so erratic though....

So any chance we can get Tim to do a order for us on these? Tim can you see what you can get them for and the number you would have to order and post it over in the Dealers corner? I would be in for 1 for sure.
On the website, they mention that the lamp is 'much more fragile' than the 'standard' halogen and xenon lamps. But, an automobile has got to be about the toughest use of any lamp, with heat and cold extremes, and running over railroad tracks; and big potholes... Doesn't make sense that the portable version wouldn't be at least as resistant to shock/vibration as a xenon lamp(?)

Or is UK just being extremly conservative, so people don't blow those $70 lamps? What does the literature say that came with the LightCannon, about bulb fragility?
Obviously, scuba diving would really cut the incidence of shocks to the light, but UK has to know that only about 15%, or less, are going to be used underwater
Damn shame they are so expensive....
Thats really an awesome light ya got there yeedude...i'm in awe. Thanks for the pictures...nice nice. I'd buy it in an instant....but im not too sure about the bulbs...they're pretty expensive. What is the bulb life? Sorry if i missed it. My 12v sealed lead acid battery would love to put that light to some bright use
How does it do on battery life?