Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA (& others)


Oct 26, 2002
Tipp City, Ohio
I received some MJLED's from the Shoppe the other day (both cut & uncut). The cut down ones were all greenish - but the uncut ones are rather nice in color and brightness.

I have an early Dorcy 1AAA in black (only one I've ever seen) and I had modified the reflector by painting it flat white to smooth some of the artifacts in the beam.

I've been using it nearly every day - and I couldn't wait to put the new 100mA MJLED in it to see what happened.

I must say I'm delighted! The color is much improved over the previous LED's classic "angry blue" center, and it definately puts out more light than before.

The real bonus for me is that it lights up a very wide area - broader than any other single 5mm LED I've seen. While it doesn't throw quite as far as my Opalec, I'd say it easily puts out more overall light.

To me - it's perfect for a task light or even a walking light. Lights up the ground not just at your feet, but over a wide area.

I don't have a light meter so I can't give accurate details of a before/after comparison, and I was just plain too lazy to do any beamshots (sorry /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twakfl.gif)

I also put (1) in place of the (3) in my Princeton Tec Matrix I for some interesting results. Fresh alkalines caused it to strobe, but used batts seem to work fine. It's easily brighter than it was before, and hey - no angry blue spots! Again, nice wide area for a good task light. I think the Vf of these led's might actually be too low for the matrix's 3.3 volt output. If memory serves, the Maxim 1678 chip has a max output of 90 mA and a fixed output of 3.3 volts (gotta go find that datasheet again). Might have to do some tinkering to optimize it for this LED.

I'd be interested to hear if any of you have or will put these LED's in other single cell lights (infinity, etc.), so please post away!

I think this new breed of high output 5mm LED's holds much promise for building small/bright/efficient/inexpensive lights. I give'em /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

I just ordered some of these from the Shop. I don't know what I am going to do with them yet. I want to see what color and brightness they are, but I think they would be great in the Dorcy. More to follow.
Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

How do you take apart the dorcy AAA? I cant seen to get at the LED.
Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

On some of the Dorcy's the head will simply unscrew. On others, it takes a little force. Maybe try some rubber strap wrenches.

I think I used an old road bike inner tube. Cut a long length of tube and wrap it tightly around the head (several layers to increase the diameter for good grip and leverage).

Cut another piece and do the same around the body. The trick is not letting the one on the head unwrap while wrapping the second one.

If you wrap *tightly* they won't slip and it should give you enough leverage to get the head to unscrew. It might take a bit of oomph (hand strength) but it should work.

If that doesn't work - try using a cutting torch /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif (just kidding)

Anyway, I felt guily for not posting beamshotz, so here 'ya go...

Un-modded brand new Dorcy 1AAA (older vintage) with supplied alkaline battery...


Modded Dorcy 1AAA with MJLED and flat white painted reflector, partially used alkaline battery...


Shots were taken at 7 feet from light blue wall using exact same camera settings. I played with camera's white balance to get the tint approximately close to what I see.

Thanks - John
Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

OK - just did the bicycle tube trick on the new Dorcy used in the photo - and it worked fine. Like I said - it takes a little muscle - but then sharply cracked loose and unscrewed easily.

Just remember to wrap the tubes in opposite directions such that they will grip the light more tightly as you try to unscrew them...

If you wish to modify the reflector, it can be removed by using a suitably sized socket or other cylindrical object to drive the reflector/lens assembly out the front of the bezel from the rear.

You'll need to find something to rest the front of the bezel on that will allow the lens to travel beyond the front edge of the bezel. Otherwise - the lens will not come all the way out.

Happy modding! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

Thanks! I'll give it a try /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

I modded a UK eLED with the MJLED - what a huge improvement in output. I had no idea the converter could drive this higher current LED so nicely.

Stock UK eLED -


UK eLED with MJLED -


I need to re-position the LED, but I was anxious to show the big improvement in output.

Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

Dang...I got 3 cutdowns from the Shoppe and they are all green.
Re: Uncut MJLED Rocks in Dorcy 1AAA

I was also impressed with the increase in output. I did this swap in my Gerber Infinity Ultra but didn't expect the stock circuit to run the higher-power LED. There is a noticeable power increase to naked eye.
I just did my Dorcy 1aaa with an uncut MJLED from the Shoppe. The biggest difference is how much smoother and whiter the beam is. The extra brightness is nice, but not jaw dropping. This is the way the 1aaa should have always been. I'll be using it a lot more.
Yes, I agree with you Gorak - The boost in output is not exactly dramatic, but the improvement in smoothness and color *is*.

I still can't get over how the wide, brighter (than stock) can illuminate such a large area so nicely.

I may just have to build a special light with a BB100 based on this LED...

mateen, how did you remove the led from your ultra? I cant get the aluminium theads off the bottom of the LED assembly.