Upgrade 1st gen PT EOS to 3rd gen. Is it worth it?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 5, 2010
I have 1st gen Princeton tec EOS. Knowing that PT now carry 3rd gen EOS with 70 lumens ,is it worth to upgrade/replace?

Is there any much difference from 25 lumens to 70 lumens?
Sorry I'm still noob in 'candle power' science thing :)

I am already satisfied with the burn time of the 1st gen. How's the 3rd gen burn time compare to the 1st gen?

Thank you
By all means, upgrade. It's worth it. The more efficient LED in the newest version means that the runtime stays the same, even though the lumen output triples (to you eyes, it will only seem twice as bright, not three times as bright - lumens are funny like that). The newest version has a little more flood than the first version, too.