Oh you guys don't get it... I already have dozens and dozens of the latest modern lights from the past five years. My goal here is to simply bring this light up to code so to speak. I know all kinds of people have modded the Arc AAA lights so that's why I'm asking.
And I do own virtually all the Fenix lights, Nitecorp, JetBeam, Lumapower, Gerber, Tiablo, Inova, and many others as well as dozens of customs such as McGizmos, Modamag, Mac, Bitz, D Speck, Photon Fanatic, TNC etc. While I enjoy many of the features and increased performance of the latest lights I still have a soft spot for a single stage AA platform light with a moderate output beam and long runtime. Plus, the ARC AA host has such a classic design with great anodizing and beautiful knurling. The reflector is also simple and fairly large and the beam is good sized but it falls short of what we are now so used to in terms of tint and brightness. I'm just trying to find out what I could do if anything to increase brightness, provide a better tint to the pale blue beam. Runtime is lower priority.