upgrading mini mag



I have a bunch of 2AA mini mags. Is it worth spending about $2.50 each to upgrade to the Brinkman Nextstar bulb. How much brighter would they be, give me a comparison to a different flashlight.
If you plan on useing the lights, it's well worth the investment. It takes it from a not really useable light to being reasnoably useable. WrightRight would help too. You'll only be investing $5. Try them out. TX
If you believe my friend's meter, the Brinkman bulbs are about 10-15% brighter than the regular Mag bulbs. It seems like they brighter than that. Higher color temp (whiter) too. The beam still has that "nifty" Mini-Mag quality though.
I haven't been using the Brinkman bulbs long enough to say much about the effect on battery life, but the amp meter says the brinkman bulbs use 450 ma vs. 280 for the Mag bulbs.
Let me puit it this way....if you've been useing the Nexstar lamp for 5 min, then pick up a light with the standard lamp (even with new batteries), the 1st thing you'll do is change the batteries. The 2nd thing will be to put that light down & get the one with the Nexstar lamp.
I've upgraded my minimag to use a tailcap switch!

No more annoying twisting to turn it on!
I took a tailcap switch assembly from a 2AA Brinkmann Legend and put it on the tail of a Minimag 2AA, works pretty doggone good cosidering the minor color difference, the threads are almost a perfect match with the smallest of a gap between the two. I would have mentioned this months ago but I did not think about it becoming popular, many people cannot think two or three dimensionally
and mixing different brands I have done a lot.
I guess you could call this a Legend Magnum?
Or a MagLeg?
I found a Minimag knock-off at a local discount store. Its almost identical in every way except that it comes with a tailcap switch instead of the twist-on head on the real Minimag.

So I took off the tailcap and put it on the Minimag and amazingly it fits like a glove. You'd think the tailcap was designed for the minimag!