I note that members are using NiMh cells for a number of household devices (in addition to their very expensive flashlights!) And I'm wondering if the possibility of over-discharging cells in this sort of application is significant.
Members have mentioned children's toys for example. I'm thinking that young children could and probably would leave the power switch on for their battery powered cars, trains, games or whatever.
Even for a number of household uses, I would assume that batteries could be run to exhaustion unless there was some kind of regulation.
So is this a case of educating the users or is this really not a problem?
Members have mentioned children's toys for example. I'm thinking that young children could and probably would leave the power switch on for their battery powered cars, trains, games or whatever.
Even for a number of household uses, I would assume that batteries could be run to exhaustion unless there was some kind of regulation.
So is this a case of educating the users or is this really not a problem?