Has anyone measured the current and voltage out of the new-ish Velogical rim dyno yet? We could always hope that the reason they haven't got German certification yet is that they put out too much!
Also, there is mention on Compass Bicycles' blog of new B&M IQ Premium and associated Edelux lights with a better reflector & newer LED. Any reviews?
The original Velogical dynamo didn't put out enough power for StVZO... There were tables on their site long ago, definitely already when this topic was started (but the information is in German

There are now several versions, but I have no idea whether they are worth it, well, actually, I would say no because sidewall dynamos are just too annoying. This one like sidewall dynamos running on tyres, suffers from slipping causing a change in light output, in this case if the wheel, well rim, is not perfectly true. What will happen with rain? I had an email exchange with a bike builder and based on that I made this page:
Then the Edelux II: I don't particularly like it, even more hotspots than the 'improved' Edelux from late 2009 onwards. Beam is wide, but you will only notice the positive effect of that in fairly sharp curves by being able to see the inside of the curve. But you don't need that to know that the road is curving, the outside curves as well
And anyway, the beam is fairly weak at width, no wonder with the 2.4W limit in StVZO, so I don't consider this feature to be very useful.
See my not-quite finished review here:
Then there is news about the Saferide 60: It uses neutral white LEDs now like the Saferide 80/LBL. I hope it will properly show up on new beamshots.
I hope I can make the beam shots tonight of the following:
- Edelux 2008 (just for reference, as I use a new camera now, the RX100, to make sure comparisons are accurate)
- Edelux 2013 (with new reflector, I think it was introduced in 2009, it has matte sides, see also my page about the IQ reflector :
http://swhs.home.xs4all.nl/fiets/tests/verlichting/koplampen/BM_IQ_reflector/index_en.html (my own pictures to be added of the Edeluxes that I have)
- Edelux II
- Saferide 60 neutral white
- Saferide 80 running on dynamo via driver from a Herrmans H-diver that I took apart. This is actually my favourite (simple, non micro controller driven) dynamo lamp.