VersaLux vs LS


Newly Enlightened
Jun 21, 2001
Which one is brighter the VersaLux with 10 LEDs Or the LS, which one is more efficient?
I have only made homemade LS with $20 power supplies etc...but I drove them to the max.

I prefer the Versalux as it had a light that is more suitable to lighting a room....vs a spotlight. It seems brighter as I get more usefull light out of it. It you shine the versalux on a white ceiling, it will light the whole room nicely with the bounced light. If you shine a LS on the ceiling, you blister paint on one spot. Battery life gets GREAT the higher voltage you go. I am not sure it would be fair comparing for this reason.... The LS does not have the greatest battery life ... but it is a different beast for a different purpose IMHO
. I will always have both.

Here is Versalux.....
Configuration Highest output
life (hours) Low output(15%)
life (hours)
(1) 9 Volt Alkaline 4 + 40 + (One 9 volt.. 4 hours high..40 hours low etc etc)
(3) AA Alkaline (series) 14 + 95 +
(4) AA Alkaline (series) 17 + 120 +
(4) D Alkaline (series) 110 + 770 +
(4) AAA Alkaline (series) 6 + 48 +
(4) AA NiMH (series) 9 + 64 +
b(4) C NiMH (series) 12 + 87 +

Have you tried splicing on a LS module to the versalux assembly or using the versalux electronics to drive the LS? I think that the combination of the LS and the versalux electronics would provide an ideal combo.
I don't have an LS, but I gather it'd be a lot harder to set up so you could get maximum *usable* light out of it. Power, for instance. It doesn't matter what I have at lying around at home - 9V block, triple AAA pack, double C pack, 12V DC converter - they all light up the Versalux equally well cos of the regulator. I really don't think it could beat an LS lumen-wise, and it certainly won't have as intense a hotspot. But it's plenty useful and plenty bright, dimmable to boot. String a couple together (like I'm gonna do) and you'll have One Respectable Light. A dual config should quite easily beat a single LS for sheet output. But if you're gonna use it in a flashlight, you won't be able to focus 20 LEDs into a long throw spot. What are you planning on doing anyway (if u don't mind the nose)?
Wolfman, why do you stop at 4 cells in series; i.e. 6 volts? The Versalux takes up to 12 volts (and a little over that) right? Does the efficiency change when you go over 6 volts?
[QUOTE(3) AA Alkaline (series) 14 + 95 +

(4) AA NiMH (series) 9 + 64 + [/QUOTE]

Very interesting that 4 AA NiMH had a shorter runtime than 3 AA Alkaline. I the ampacity of 3 alkalines greater than that of 4 NiMH?

I have the Versalux module and plan to put it in my boat. It's very neat, since it is dimmable and has an automatic regulator for use over a wide range of voltage.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted the Led:
Wolfman, why do you stop at 4 cells in series; i.e. 6 volts? The Versalux takes up to 12 volts (and a little over that) right? Does the efficiency change when you go over 6 volts?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I got that box you recommended...Otterbox..and it left me enough room for the versalux, 2 battery holders, a magnetic switch...and a little room to spare.

Even with the greater efficiency of over 6 volts, the capacity of 4 C made a better use for me. I am still running on the same 4 C cells. It runs for a LONG time. If I used 8 or more AA, the cost would be doubble..although the efficiency would be greater..( see chart above ).

If I had it to do all over again, I would get 2 versalux, and go for 6 AA....and run it at LOW power. One bank blinds you...2 would fry hot dogs.
Wolfman, thanks I'll take your word on the higher efficiency with 8 cells..and your suggestion about the dual dimmable Versalux modules, I could see how they fit in the 8 inch otterbox; instead of the 4" -- that would be a great survival kit; the versaluxes and bunch of lithiums in an airtight ottterbox...could use rechargeables in for everyday use..or fashion a watertight exit for a power wire..
BTW did you notice the post about the old,clear, otterbox latches breaking if you bend them backwards too far? the black latches I believe replace the clear ones, and are less brittle. nice improvement.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted the Led:
BTW did you notice the post about the old,clear, otterbox latches breaking if you bend them backwards too far? the black latches I believe replace the clear ones, and are less brittle. nice improvement.

I believe those (older?) boxes have a real problem. I went to a couple of stores, and in both stores, every single 1000-series clear unit they had in stock had a broken or very visibly fractured/spidered latch. In all cases, the latches were clear. I don't think its due to instore damage either. The shopowners brought them out fresh from the store and they were all defective in this manner! Beware when you buy - check the latch carefully...
Wolfman, Thanks for all the info does
The VersaLux stay at 100% brightness
Until it gets to 2.2v and then
Turns off
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hotfoot:
I believe those (older?) boxes have a real problem. I went to a couple of stores, and in both stores, every single 1000-series clear unit they had in stock had a broken or very visibly fractured/spidered latch. In all cases, the latches were clear. I don't think its due to instore damage either. The shopowners brought them out fresh from the store and they were all defective in this manner! Beware when you buy - check the latch carefully...
I never received one already fractured or broken. For every box's latch to be broken
I find difficult to believe; unless some nut went into both stores and did that to them. I've seen things like that happen before. Once in Costco nearly every cell phone had been ripped out of it's package...
In either case, they are guaranteed for life,
a broken one is good for a new one at otter. Make sure you get the ones with the black latches...
wink.gif otterboxes are made like a tank. The latches are dark. I hated drilling them in case I screwed up but the template that was included worked perfectly.

I don't use NiMh for it. I get regular batteries from Sams cheap and I run them down.

I let it run for days trying to run it down and then just gave up and put new batteries in it. I save it for when we loose power etc.
re: Otterbox Versalux light -

PICTURES! I want pictures! Which box do you think is best? The tall, skinny ones, or the wide, short ones? Which size exactly? - there are so many. I'd love to make a 4C-cell light with one of these. I have yet to see a picture though, since TheLightSite seems to be having image problems.
While Technology Associates does not sell "The Bomb," they will give you details on how to correctly wire two versaluxes together. Radio Shack makes a decent 4AA battery holder with a built in switch.
Thanks guys - usually I notice those errant periods, but I fixed it another way eventually...

I really like the idea of this configuration:
for a single Versalux lantern. Don't know how many batteries I could fit in there, but it would certainly hold a bunch of AA's, if not C cells. A lantern with 4 C cells would pretty much last forever.