"visual stunning of aggressive threats.(SF)"


Aug 17, 2000
New Jersey
I honestly don't think any bright light will stop a dog who is intent on biting you. I certainly wouldn't count on it. Best bet would be to avoid situations where you might get bit.

However, I do have an anecdote related to this. My neighbor keeps 4-5 dogs in her fenced backyard, and anytime I'm out in my yard, a chorus of barking erupts. Very annoying. One time at night I flashed/strobed my 6P (P61) in one of the dog's eyes. After a few seconds, the dog stopped barking, and soon after that, turned his head away. It seemed to bother him, especially since it was night. I think strobing the light helped too.

Also, I have no doubt that using a M6 would definitely make a dog turn his head away. It's that bright.

hmm...i thougt of a bit smaller and cheaper (always on me) light...haven´'t dogs very sensible eyes ? in the night the difference between the darkness and the flashlights output should affect a dogs sight, or ?
My brother in law raises shitzhund (sp) German Shepards. Once while he was gone we feed them for him. I shined my D2 at them and they all stopped barking, maybe they think it is cool like we do?
Or maybe they are like a deer in headlights, just wondering what the heck it is? I don't know but I does stop them from barking, for a bit anyway.
I wonder if the E2's light output is enough to "visual stunning of aggressive threats. (SF)". Or is a Lamp with the p61 (>100Lumen) is needed therefore ?
Last Holiday (in Turkey) a dog bite me. Is it possible to visualy stun a dog (daylight/night) with a flashlight like a E2/D2/C2/6P ?
During a dog attack might be one of the few times I would prefer to have a big Maglite instead of a surefire. A 5 or 6 C cell would serve me best I think.
You would probably be better off with a can of Oleoresin Capiscum Pepper Spray. A good snort of that will stop a German Shepherd in his tracks. An M6 would work too, though.
Forgot about the O.C. spray. The best would probably be one of the cans of bear repellant, though I would think that any good brand with high enough strength would work. I think that in Canada the only O,C, allowed to private citizens is bear repellant. Some countries might not allow even that.
If it's labeled as bear repllant it uses a measurement developed by the EPA since they consider it a pesticide, the self defense (against people) are marked with a percentage such as 5%, 10, or sometimes 12- that doesn't mean anything, the Scoville Heat Units, or SHU are the measure of hotness. Ther percentages are more of how long it might keep a person down, and advertising hype.
Sorry pet peeve.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SCOTT THE BADGER:
You would probably be better off with a can of Oleoresin Capiscum Pepper Spray. A good snort of that will stop a German Shepherd in his tracks. An M6 would work too, though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In Aspen, back in the 70s' several days after a large poodle bit me on the leg, drawing blood, I returned with a can of "Repel", one of the early brands of oleoresin capsicum spray, and gave him a dose that was so memorable that when he saw me the day after that he turned tail and ran as fast as he could go. I haven't used bear spray, but this stuff really works, at least on dogs!


Remember, dogs have sweat glands and a relatively open nose.

You spray one with Pepper spray, it's like spraying it down a human's throat.


(Not into cruelty to animals, at all. Be careful out there, guys!)
22. caliber CB caps work extremely well for
deterring an agressive dog, it takes the fight right out of them! I used to have a neighbor who had a large very agressive saint
bernard that used to come over and fight with
my labrador, and it even attacked my mother
once, but i shot it with CB caps, and it never wanted to be within a hundered yards of
me after that!
BTW it didn't break the skin on the dog or injure him in any way except for maybie a little bruise.
what's a 'cb' ? you don't hit him with a Carte Blanche card I suppose -- you're supposed to take that away to keep him from charging...

CB Carte Blanche (credit card)
CB Circuit Breaker
CB Citizens' Band (unlicensed amateur radio)
CB Air Post Semipostal (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
CB Block Coefficient (naval architecture)
CB Call Blocker
CB Called Back
CB Cambodia
CB Cape Breton
CB Captain Beefheart (band)
CB Caribbean Beach (Disney Resort)
CB Carrier-Based
CB Catch Basin (construction)
CB Causeway Bay (Hong Kong)
CB Cavalry Brigade
CB Cell Block
CB Cell Broadcast (GSM)
CB Center Bit (drilling industry)
CB Center of Buoyancy
CB Central Booking (NYPD)
CB Certified Bodies
CB Certified Bookkeeper (American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers)
CB Chain Break
CB Charlie Brown
CB Chastity Belt
CB Chemical & Biological
CB Chesapeake Bay (Maryland)
CB Chessbase
CB Chicago Bulls
CB Chief Baron (of the Court of Exchequer)
CB Children's Bureau
CB Citibank (Citigroup, Inc.)
CB Cloud Bottom
CB Clydesdale Bank (UK)
CB Code Block
CB Code Blue
CB Coffee Break
CB Collapsing Buffer
CB Colorbar
CB Columbium (old name for Niobium)
....(no more wire hangers!!! ...or acronyms!!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PhilAlex:

(Not into cruelty to animals, at all. Be careful out there, guys!)


Point well taken, I feel the same way. Without going into detail, circumstances often brought me into that dog's neighborhood and his owner refused to tie him up. I was really frightened of him after he bit me and I felt that the pepper spray was a relatively humane way to deter him.

Ted the Led,

"...Carte Blanche card...keep him from charging..." Love it! Sorry to be off topic, but the lowest form of humor is just my level.
To be honest I love animals and hate to see cruelty done to them as in fact I hate seeing cruelty done to humans for that matter, if you are in a situation where you absolutely must defend yourself from a dog I'm not sure that 100 Lumens, 200 Lumens or a 1 million CP spotlight would work, if they have got it in their mind they are going to attack then depending on the type and temperament they will.
I have heard pepper spray definitely works on a dog, but to be honest with some of the threads I have read about neighbours dogs attacking people and so on I'd be more inclined to call the police and have the dog taken away better yet have the police come round and take the neighbour away!

In the interest of your own safety though I would not rely on a light.
Fortunately the neighbors that owned the dog moved out, so i don't have to worry about it
anymore. As for calling the police about it,
the neighbor who owned the dog was a sherriffs' deputy! We finally did call the sherriff after trying to resolve it with the
neighbor, and he said if he had a dog that
was harrassing him or his he would do the very same thing.

I did buy some pepper spray to use in case the dog attacked me, but it is very windy here out in the country, and i was afraid to
use it. As for the spotlight method, it would
work very well at night, and I did do this
a couple of times with good results, but it
doesn't work in the daytime. Like I said before, the CB caps are probobly more humane
than pepper spray, because it only hurts for
about 5 minutes, whereas pepper spray can sting for a long time, and there is also the possibility of contamination as the neighbors
had a small child, and if it gotten on her the neighbors would have been very angry.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bigwuss:

I did buy some pepper spray to use in case the dog attacked me, but it is very windy here out in the country, and i was afraid to
use it.


There are different types and brands of pepper spray. The type that is projected in a tight stream, rather than a spray will work in mild-moderate wind.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by springnr:
Bigwuss posted:
22. caliber CB caps work extremely well for deterring an agressive dog, it takes the fight right out of them!

I used to have a neighbor who had a large very agressive saint bernard that used to come over and fight with my labrador, and it even attacked my mother once, but i shot it with CB caps, and it never wanted to be within a hundered yards of me after that!

BTW it didn't break the skin on the dog or injure him in any way except for maybie a little bruise.
Sorry ta break the news to you - but bullets aren't made to bounce off flesh. A slow moving bullet like the cb cap deforms/shoves the flesh aside as it enters and the flesh then reforms around the hole making a very hard to notice entry wound. Really really hard to see from a hundred yards for sure. So suffering till the wound healed probably stays in long term memory better than say a swat from a rolled up paper. Please don't do this. Also this deterrent method may well backfire as it tends to attract an irate dog owner. If you need to escalate to this level at least a paintball sends them home multicolored. Keith
I forgot to mention that i modified these bullets by cutting the front off of them
to make them both lighter, and flatter. The
lightweight bullets, combined with the low velocity, and the dog's thick fur insured that he didn't "suffer". BTW I am not a cruel person by nature, but you have to take extreme measures when your, and your families health, and lives are threatened!
This dog was very dangerous, it weighed over a hundred pounds and had shown very aggressive behavior(It attacked my mother,and my dog had to take antibiotics to recover from an infected bite wound on its head, and it also attacked me) and it would not stay on our neighbors' property even though we advised them about the dangerous behavior of thier dog.
Been lurking awhile and enjoying the reading. I even loaded up my old 9P and started carrying it again after many years. One day I was out pushing my 2 year old son in a stroller and a large brown dog came after us from a block away. I couldn't fight the dog with my son in my arms so I jumped up in someone's pickup till the dog was bored and left. The gunshop I went to suggested that I carry a gun of course(not a good option for me) or get the foam spray as it would be less likely to get on my son.

BTW, I went home and got my 6d maglite and went searching for the dog, but couldn't find him. Might try to get him between my headlight next time