WA1185 off 3x123 in a Mag2c


Newly Enlightened
Dec 20, 2003
WA1185 off 3x123 in a Mag2c =

not good /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Even if you had enough voltage, the CR123 cannot handle the current desired (about 3 amps) for a WA1185. Anything more than about 1.5 amps is going to be difficult for that cell.
5X123 @ WA1185 works. It's very hard on the 123s. They die in about 20 minutes. That's $18.00/$19.25 per hour. OK for short "Who is that!" bursts. So, wasBlinded and UncleFester are both correct I believe.

For 3X123:

Carley 6.0 V 1.7 A Krypton Star




Reflectalite GH24

KPR 112 on the edge

Interesting 3X123 discussion from 10/10/02
Someone in another thread today talked about trying to drive a 50 watt bulb with 5x123, with the result that one of them ruptured and vented.
I didn't read that thread.

So, with knowing about that, knowing about the PM6 cannon and knowing 5X123 against a WA1185 is 35 to 40 watts; this may be not such a good idea at all.
I am going back the the RadioShack KPR112 in this light.

I have two Mag85's with fivemega 9aa to 3ds and a maha C777 charger for the free lumens /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I am using CBP 1650 in one and PowerEX 1800s in the the oher