Weapon light discussion, (loosely) related topics welcome

Ruger Standard Auto has the Luger's 55° grip angle.
I've had several from the Mk1 on over the years.
This Mk2 is my favorite:

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Excellent taste, SCE. The Ruger .22s are one of the finest designs ever built. I've had several since both I and it were very young. My current one is a close sibling of yours;-)
(ain't no bloody flashlights on this gun though;-)


This one is mine.
People can laugh all they want. The .25ACP has its place and its uses.

IMO, the finest .25ACP ever built, and likely the most concealable, was the Baby Browning. Post-'68 there were a number of licensed (by FN) copies built in the U.S. Mine is the PSP25, from PSA. The bluing is beautiful, but the lighting was not:



If it looks mint, that's 'cause this one is. It was 'essential', so N+1, I bought 2. They are still being produced by PSA today, AFAIK. It's a little beside the point, but mine prints tight groups at reasonable distances, so the gun can do it if the shooter can.

Why would anyone care? When they absolutely, positively, 'CAN NOT BE 'MADE'

How would I know? Because I lived in CA >15 years;-)

I saw where someone recently referred to another gun as a "Get offa me gun". I take that point. Sometimes, that's just what one needs;-)
With the Kel-Tec is it a wearing out of frame/slide interface or something with the fire control that happens with many rounds shot?
When I bought my P-32 during the panic buying years a couple of presidents ago, I remember reading it was rated for approximately 2000 rounds. I believe the rails are hard anodized aluminum, so the steel slide wears them out eventually. It has been a gun carried a lot and shot little. I like that it conceals well even in nylon shorts and a t-shirt. The wad cutter version of the .32 ACP is still pretty potent due to the tumbling effect in tissue.
For anyone curious.... .32 H&R Magnum gives the same ballistic performance as a .38 Special (non-+P loads). Not ideal, but if there's ever a localized Emergency, Natural disaster, it's not likely to go flying off the shelves. Best iteration of the Ruger SP101 is actually in that caliber.
Or get the .327 federal variant and shoot both rounds! I really like a tuned 4" SP101 for the .32 and the .357/.38 for my outdoor adventures. Ruger wheelgun fan here as well!
This piece has an illuminated reticle and illuminated bubble level in the scope.

The "Woe" thread by Orion began with the stench of cigarettes and splintered unsurprisingly. Off putting to some, gun cleaner and lubricant "Ballistol" has its adherents.

Got myself a new toy, a .357 ruger LCRx. But i wont wont be able to take it home for few months.
The way it works in my city, you go to a store buy a gun, pay for it, take several good pictures of it, then along with bill of sale, and proof that you have a gun safe (2 pictures and a receipt), you send it to police, they will print you a new license with that gun serial on the back of it, that along with a purchase authorisation will be sent to you, then you can go to the store, give them that pink paper, and only then you can take your gun home. it could take up to 4 month, but usually faster.
Sounds like a hustle, but i'm ok with it, 3 years ago, in my wildest dream i would not think i would be able to have a CCW in my city. Hopefully in time the process will get easier,
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.... Sounds like a hustle, but i'm ok with it, 3 years ago, in my wildest dream i would not think i would be able to have a CCW in my city. Hopefully in time the process will get easier,
Take advantage of it now, because more than likely the process will completely go away rather than get easier.
People can laugh all they want. The .25ACP has its place and its uses.

IMO, the finest .25ACP ever built, and likely the most concealable, was the Baby Browning. Post-'68 there were a number of licensed (by FN) copies built in the U.S. Mine is the PSP25, from PSA. The bluing is beautiful, but the lighting was not:

That is a very nice little gun, definitely a piece of history, the design is like 100 years old, back then there were made by so many factories in so many countries, I have a thick book, a catalog of basically all guns in existence, until late 80s, (the book was published in late 80s) , this type is on several dozen pages.

One can get a 3.18" barrel Canik MC9 for $399 'ish
9mm = comes with 12 & 15 rd. mags

,, Streamlight & red dot extra
