well my fav light is gone


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
was crossing 5 lane highway and it fell of in the middle i tried to get it but was rush hour. man wtf the last few years been a suck *** time you cant turn on the news . with out being shocked and sad. then you lose something that means so much to you. but im the idiot who went to store during rush hour
Think about all the times it served you well, and how well it full filled it's purpose. Might still be there on a quiet night..... what light would that be?

I recently lost my favorite Aviator, I still hope it will turn up but who knows! My SC62w went missing once for 2 years. Couldn't believe finding it!
it was a nifty emisar light 18650 and boostdriver loved it. bad thing is like 2 times before today it felt off waist band and i just put it back on not thinking gee maybe i should put it in my pocket lol
I saw a flashlight on the highway a few nights ago between the junction of eastbound SR-60 and northbound SR-57 in SoCal. It was turned on, so the light caught my attentio;, but at 10pm and 70mph, I couldn't ID the model. Possibly yours @raggie33 ?
I saw a flashlight on the highway a few nights ago between the junction of eastbound SR-60 and northbound SR-57 in SoCal. It was turned on, so the light caught my attentio;, but at 10pm and 70mph, I couldn't ID the model. Possibly yours @raggie33 ?

It's too bad you didn't stop and grab it. You probably would've been awarded a Flashaholic badge. :)
I saw a flashlight on the highway a few nights ago between the junction of eastbound SR-60 and northbound SR-57 in SoCal. It was turned on, so the light caught my attentio;, but at 10pm and 70mph, I couldn't ID the model. Possibly yours @raggie33 ?

i saw a fenix light turned on, laying next to the divider on the highway and a car was flying up behind me. i took the exit, came back around, timing my entry onto the highway so no one would be behind me this time. drove to the spot and someone already beat me to it...
Only thing I ever found on the side of the road was a crushed Bic LED squeeze-light. Sadly, wasn't working.
wth i just did the same thing again whats wrong with my mind grrr lol. luckly i didnt lose the flashlight this time had no idea i even had it to i went for my keys

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