WF-600 and 18650 cells with Ultrafire charger - Help!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 13, 2007
My WF-600 has rrived today - yippee! However, one of my Ultrafire LC 18650 cells seems to be dead. Popped both in the charger (which is a WF-139 Ultrafire Charger) and both LED's lit green for a moment - one stays green and the other starts flashing red as per the instructions. Tried swapping the cell that was charging to the other slot - and still charges OK.

I've put multimeter across the cell and 0v. Does this sound like a dead cell. Should I go back to the supplier, or stick in the charger and see if it will start charging.

Final question - on putting the 18650 cells into the WF-600 is it +ve towards the head down the barrel or +ve pointing back to the switch on the back end. If I get it wrong will it break the LED.

Sorry if these are obvious questions. Only second post.

Many thanks.
1. (+) end to the bezel (-) to the tailcap with the WF-600.

2. You have a bad cell. I have had bad 18650 and bad 16340 UF protected cells in recent months. Interestingly, sometimes they work in spite of measuring 0V. I think the PCB is the defective component.
Many thanks bspofford for the advice on battery - on both questions. I've e-mailed the supplier as I'm hoping they can drop a replacement in with the other two cells I ordered which weren't in stock.