What are this goggles good for?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2005
Yesterday I got this dirty cheap ($9) Glendale laser googles in ebay:


The seller didn't had specifications but it has sent me photos of the sides:


I understand that the figures on the right are wavelength ranges and their Optical Density. And in the left I have learnt that those also are wavelength ranges and L-ratings for continous (D), long pulse (I) or short pulse (R) lasers, whatever that means.

However I don't see a direct correlation between ranges in both sides.

I see that 532nm is included in the right with OD 4 (that means less than 1/10000 of the light transmited, right?) but it is not included in the left. Also 1064nm (OD 4) is covered, so some protection exist for internal manipulation, but not for 808nm.

So, my question is what kind of protection offer this goggles to manipulate a normal 5mw green laser: <ul type="square">
[*]Are they adecuate protection to play with a 5mw green laser, and avoid harm from unexpected reflections?
[*]And for a 40mw one?
[*]Are they adecuate for internal manipulation of a laser for the interesting mods that I have found in this forum?