In the good old days, cars were built based primarily on what the customers want or need and their preferences were harder to manipulate. Nowadays, cars are built based primarily on what the regulations and/or insurance companies dictate and it is much easier to manipulate the preferences of the customers due to vast improvements in social engineering.
Consequently, the auto industry keeps the regulators happy while, at the same time, making most customers believe that their modern offerings are better in all aspects. This also gives them the opportunity to convince many customers that some cost cutting tricks are also better, like for example; touch sensitive controls. Needless to say, many customers are also made to believe that buying more material in the form of big and heavy SUVs and trucks (that will not carry loads) are also beneficial or desirable. Nonsense gadgets and spying systems are the icing on the cake but they went too far.
IMO, their modern offerings are, in fact, better in many aspects but not all. Therefore, they may back off somewhat. As this discussion suggests, there is some hope but it all depends on how the majority of the customers will react. If we keep paying for what they offer, they will keep offering what we pay for.