I was just given a nice Lightwave 2000 LED light for my birthday with blue LEDs in it. I plan on using it as a backup light for running/hiking on trails at night.
I'm wondering if the blue LEDs might be better for this use, or would white LEDs be better. I've heard from other runners and sources that green LEDs are supposed to be the brightest and throw the beam further than white??? Some runners prefer the green to white for running. I'm wondering if the blue LEDs would throw a beam further than white as the green LEDs do. Any advantages of a blue LED light over a white or green one? I tried the blue light out in the basement, and it seems nice and bright. The blue light really didn't seem that wierd to me. Any ideas?
I'm wondering if the blue LEDs might be better for this use, or would white LEDs be better. I've heard from other runners and sources that green LEDs are supposed to be the brightest and throw the beam further than white??? Some runners prefer the green to white for running. I'm wondering if the blue LEDs would throw a beam further than white as the green LEDs do. Any advantages of a blue LED light over a white or green one? I tried the blue light out in the basement, and it seems nice and bright. The blue light really didn't seem that wierd to me. Any ideas?