What did I just do to my Seraph P7 M Series Turbo Head?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2008
I have a Seraph P7 M Series Turbo Head on my M6. The other day I went to change the batteries, but I accidentally put the battery magazine in backwards!:oops: It wouldn't turn on, so I put it in the correct way and then I turned it on, but I watched in horror as smoke rose around the emitter. The light output was also greatly reduced. So what now? Time for a mod? Did I fry the emitter or the circuit board? Probably both! Any suggestions?
sounds like the perfect opportunity to learn how to mod it. Maybe sst 50/90. sorry for your loss.
:poof: :mecry:

Time for mods... it would be a waste to bury it in the backyard...:crazy: sorry for your loss.

Alternatively, you could contact Mark@LF in CPF, explain what happened and being the great guy he is, might be able to work out a special deal for you about replacing the internals.

Good Luck!
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