What did you sell today


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
Emisar D3AA Titanium Copper with sw45k, RGB button, and tailmagnet

Great LEDs, Great UI, Great multi fuel AA/14500 driver

TiCu is just too heavy for my liking. The RGB button is always off when main LEDs are on, I prefer a solid Amber button, that always comes On w the main LEDs. Tailmagnet is too weak for the weight of the light. Not a fan of the pocket clip

why let it go?
Im reducing my flashlight inventory and am focused on Low carry weight.. My new MAO TS10 is Dominating in the lightweight class.

what do I have that will fill a similar role
Emisar D3AA Aluminum w DeDomed 4500K 519a.. really like the light weight, AA capability, Amber button, and the nice strong magnet

What do I get to buy next
Wait a minute! youre supposed to be ReDucing Inventory, not RoTating new inventory… (who am I kidding.. that is exactly what Im doing.. lol)

Out with the Old, In with the New.. ;-)
I like this post format.

I think this is a really great conversation. I see some lights up for sale, and just sometimes wonder why people are letting them go.

It's often good to hear someone's thoughts, because "one man's trash is another man's treasure," and hearing what didn't work for something can often tell you so much more than hearing what DID work for them.

I hope this turns into a long thread.

Also, I'm a gun guy, so my motto is, "No sell, only buy" hahahaha.
When I run out of space, I just give things away to (mostly) family, haha.
I like this post format.

I think this is a really great conversation. I see some lights up for sale, and just sometimes wonder why people are letting them go.

It's often good to hear someone's thoughts, because "one man's trash is another man's treasure," and hearing what didn't work for something can often tell you so much more than hearing what DID work for them.

I hope this turns into a long thread.

Also, I'm a gun guy, so my motto is, "No sell, only buy" hahahaha.
When I run out of space, I just give things away to (mostly) family, haha.
HAHA or build onto the property. (ya sort it out in the will...rather "they" sort it. ) LOL
Just keep telling them "they" cost just this side of the GNP. LOL
Thanks for your comments, Im trying to stay below 4 dozen...
its not really working.. stuff like this keeps happening..
View attachment 68822
kinda fun actually ;-)
I'm so very new to all this. And love the fact that not just color (cold, cool, warm, hot) but hue is a thing. Long gone are the sad 'blue' LEDs looking for some sort of distance. LOL Tho I seem to prefer warm white, or even warmer (some manus seem to fudge the color defs)
Even the 'green/blue' is beautiful.
Thanks for your comments, Im trying to stay below 4 dozen...
its not really working.. stuff like this keeps happening..
View attachment 68822
kinda fun actually ;-)
This is actually why I've been rotating back to Malkoff, so I can just get a bunch of dropins, and not have QUITE so many lights around.

We won't talk about the drawer of headlamps...
Haven't sold much. Nobody likes what I have for sale. I should keep buying what the op buys. All his sales go quick like a bunny. Including what I purchased from him. In any event…

arkfeld- nifty color scheme. Selector switch. Form factor. Brightness for the size
Original seeker- battery life. Built in charging. Aftermarket battery can fit but it's picky.

Arkfeld- non replaceable battery. Long hold from lockout to on. Anodizing wears too easily.
Seeker- proprietary battery. Size. Slow charging.

Why am I letting it go? New arkfeld on the horizon. Seems a must have replacement especially because of the non replaceable battery. No anodizing to wear off. Slight boost in power and battery life.
Original Seeker- too old. Newest generation has lots of upgrades: battery life, power, efficiency, throw, charging options. Plus I still have another i need to get rid of.
What's next: arkfeld ultra, seeker 4 pro
not all my sales go quickly, sometimes I have to lower the price to make a light move.. I had to take a $20 loss to sell the Emisar TiCu D3AA in the first post.

Other times Im not willing to lower the price, so they do not sell ;-)
Recently I listed several Jetbeam and Sunwayman Rotaries, none of them sold. And Im not willing to lower the price on those, so they are still mine.

bottom line is lights only sell quickly if they are priced at a discount
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Am trying to sell a Fenix CL30R and a Sofirn IF22A to a friend of mine. Lent them to him a couple days ago, and I think he'll go for it.

As to why selling the CL30R, I never use a lantern. And I don't like the light...stripes or whatever it is coming from it. And I have already purchased a Sofirn BLF LT1 that I think will actually see some use. Light pattern is really nice, colour rendering is much better, and the tint is heaps of times more better than the Fenix.

And while the IF22A is a great little pocket thrower, it's no match for my 4x Fenix TK30 LEPs that I am still trying to bundle together for a quad-LEP. So the Sofirn will also never see any use.
My one and only post in this topic since I keep EVERYTHING!
Even the craptacular lights I end up reviewing on my channel.
My good friend went for my offer on the Fenix CL30R lantern and Sofirn IF22A mentioned further up. ~$108.
Along with a WD 1,5TB harddrive and a Seagate 7E8 4 TB harddrive (also ~$108 for both)

And I sold him my dual-channel DW4 in White with Nichia E21A 3500K + 4500K for ~$60 on Friday.

Good light, but it annoyed me everytime I saw it after Hank mixed up my order for 2x DW4's: one White mule (8x E21A 3500K + 8x 4500K) and one Cyan regular, making it specific in bold letters in the final email.

...And he sends me a Cyan mule.
My good friend went for my offer on the Fenix CL30R lantern and Sofirn IF22A mentioned further up. ~$108.
Along with a WD 1,5TB harddrive and a Seagate 7E8 4 TB harddrive (also ~$108 for both)

And I sold him my dual-channel DW4 in White with Nichia E21A 3500K + 4500K for ~$60 on Friday.

Good light, but it annoyed me everytime I saw it after Hank mixed up my order for 2x DW4's: one White mule (8x E21A 3500K + 8x 4500K) and one Cyan regular, making it specific in bold letters in the final email.

...And he sends me a Cyan mule.
Hank make mistake. Design is very human.