What do a sure fire 9p, uk 4a, and a 6c mag light all have in common?


Oct 16, 2002
Answer: they are the only three flashlights I own, and all 3 seem to put out the same amount of light, to my untrained eyes.

The first decent flashlight I purchased was the maglight 6c. I wanted a serious flashlight, and the 6c is exactly that. I'm lucky enough to live next door to a park, and from my backyard at night, the 6c can cast a beam close to 60 or 70 yards distance. I'm not saying the beam is highly visible, but you can make out the circle no problem.

My second light was a surefire 9p, and much to my surprise it puts off about the same amount of light that my maglight 6c does. How such a small flashlight can throw a beam that far is beyond me, but for the money it cost, the quality is expected.

The only problem is that the 9p drinks batteries like no tomorrow, and even mail order, those little lithium batteries are expensive as heck. Why don't they just attach a hose directly from the 9p tailcap to my wallet, to make things easier.

Well I was now use to having a great flashlight in a small package, but I wanted something that wouldn't cause my wallet to yelp every time I turned it on. Then I saw this flashlight at Brightguy:


Well it was cheap, so I decided to splurge and buy it. It's a purchase I've never regretted. This underwater kinetic flashlight, which uses 4 aa batteries, and is only slightly larger than my 9p, puts out roughly the same amount of light, and for only 1/4 the cost of my 9p.

Well I've been skimming through a lot of the great threads here at candlepower, but I've never seen anyone mention the uk4a, so I thought I'd bring it to every ones attention with my first post.

PS: the only downside to the uk4a is that the batteries slightly rattle inside the battery holder, but I rarely notice.

my princeton tec 40 is surprisingly bright for 4 aa's as well. i was surprised when i took it out one night. it's my fishing and backup(to my streamlight sl20) light for my truck. also good for times when you don't need the sl20. batteries don't rattle and it runs about the same price.
Another torch that amazes me (as so many others have commented on) for an amazing price vs output, is the Brinkman LX. I shine my E2E and LX against a white wall and think, this is the way to give an "inexpensive" gift to someone who is wanting "massive light from a small package". Of course we've been through that "eating batteries" vs. LED runtime thing...but that's the beauty..."Hook em" (I feel like a pusher?). One needs both lights....Buy em' all.....I can't stop...Help me!
I've sung the praises of my UK MiniQ40 (runs on 4 AA's) many times on this forum. Rugged, waterproof, AA user, small, with lanyard loop, belt or swim mask holder, powerful for it's size...all in all a "last chance, last light" candidate of the first magnitude.

I don't belive the UK4AA can possibly put out as much light as a 9P. I don't have a 9P but you may have a defective bulb which doesn't put out the standard amount of light, or the reflector is designed in a way for wider, brighter, short-medium range "tactical" use. First, the 9P is a 9 volt light, the Mag is also a 9V light but the 4AA is a 6V light. By default that is 2/3 the power. The 9P's xenon lamp also draws much more current than the 4AA. The 9P should be almost twice as bright as the 4AA. It should also be significantly brighter than the Mag 6C too, because the Mag only has a Krypton bulb. I would ask Surefire for a new lamp assembly and then compare again.

I have a UK SL6 which should produce comparable light to the 9P.
Looks good! My only gripe is it is hard as he77 to find stuff like that in any store even here in huge Houston!

I have a Princeton Tec Tec 40 that is 4AA and similar. Has a twist the head switch which is the only drawback (and not much of one at that!).

With fresh Alky Rayovac Maxs and a KPR103 it does a decent act of being the sun!
Well I said "untrained eyes" )

Perhaps the difference in power would be more obvious to you. Like I said, the 9p ranks number one, but my little uk4a is not far behind.

The 6P is supposed to be brighter than a mag 5D. My 9P blows my 5D away, probably 3 times brighter. You might want to check your bulb to make sure they are not cloudy.
I changed the bulb in my Energizer 6AA DB to a mag charger bulb and drive it with 6 alkalines and it's only marginally brighter than my PT Surge..... dang.....