what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerdy?

Re: what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerd

Update since I started this thread...I am wearing my headlamps all the time now. At night I use the PT Aurora to read in bed. Walking the dog it's the Nuwai or one of my brighter PTs such as the EOS. They're great, I love 'em. They don't take the place of a handheld light all the time but they do such a wonderful job. I enjoy looking like a nerd now...:D
Re: what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerd

Headlamps work great when you are fixing plumbing or electrical stuff around the house. Or plowing into the back of a computer or other electronic equipment. Soldering. Night-time woods walk with hiking poles. Rock scrambling at night. Working on the car at night. Etc
Re: what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerd

I use one when I'm running wires above drop-ceilings. I usually need both hands to do what I'm doing up there. I still carry a flashlight of course, but you can't beat a headlamp for working with tools in dark areas.
Re: what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerd

When I'm installing computers or running wire under peoples desks, when I'm running LAN cables in dropped ceilings (try hold a 3 or 4D in one hand and pull wire with the other while standing on a ladder), when I'm working in cable or telecom rooms (never lit well, sometimes no lights at all...)
Re: what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerd

I hardly ever seen anyone using them in a urban area. I've mostly see other people using them when backpacking or camping. I still think they look nerdy, but that hasn't stopped me from using one when I thought it would be useful. Like many others I use mine for reading, fixing things, and looking for things in closets and basements. I haven't yet needed one for anything outdoor in a urban area. I haven't rode my bicycle in years, but when I do I'll have another reason to use headlamps. To see better and to make it easier for others to see me.
Re: what do you use your headlamps for? Looks nerd

I bought an Eddie Bauer branded headlamp from Target, and I wear it at work all the time. I'm the Senior Game Technician at a large arcade, so I don't always have both hands free when i'm ***-deep in an arcade cabinet. I also carry a AA MiniMag with a BB500NG on my belt.

At first, I figured that people would make fun of me when they saw it. I was right, but i don't really care what other people think! It's too damned useful to worry about it. Now they're all used to me having it, and they don't give it a second glance. They all know how useful it is anyway.

If you ever have to solder some color output transistors onto the neck board of a monitor while its still in the game, you'll know how useful it is to have both hands free!