What is the brightest LED flashlight I can buy?


Newly Enlightened
May 21, 2002
I'm looking for a very bright LED flashlight. ANyone have any suggestions. Are there any lights based on the Luxeon Star? Whats the brighest LED flashlight I can buy? Thanks

Keep watching this forum.

Commercially, it looks as if the Tektite 19-LED might be the winner. The Lightwave 4000 is also bright. There are 60-LED ones as well.


Also check out some of the currently-not-for-sale lights at:

Lambda Illuminator -- I have one and it's wonderful

and Lambda's latest experimental prototype. This will be the brightest yet.

I am a believer in regulators for long-term stability, but ElektroLumens who posts here does some incredibly bright Direct Drive LS mods. All of these are LS based. Arc will be coming out with an LS later this year.

After buying the Lambda Illuminator, for piercing see-at-a-distance, I just ordered a Brinkmann LX to have "around."

The Illuminator is the best replacement for a mini-mag that I can think of. In fact, it kills the minimag as a useful light.

One thing I learned participating here is that LED lights generally "toss" light out instead of "throwing" it out. They don't reach as far, but cover an area better.

The Inova X5 is also a good choice. Again, depends on what you're looking for.


Thank you very much for the info. I would like to know the brighest light I could buy today and wont cost me more then about 150 bucks. Thanks a million.

Eric B

The best thing to do is pore through the LED MUSEUM pages and see what suits your fancy. It's not as simple as "brightest."

How do you want to use it. If you want to pierce LONG distances 100+ feet and say read a street sign, other than the forthcoming Hydra from Lambda Lights or some of the other modded 3-cell MAG lights, I don't think you'll find one off-the-shelf that meets this. Hence why I am also getting the INCANDESCENT Brinkmann LX for $20ish.

No current LED light (except perhaps the 60LED TekTite-see the LEDMUESEUM pages) comes close to a 6D MAG light in reach or brightness.

Actually, that's why people like Lambda are modding flashlights. There is a hole in the market. The major companies aren't reacting fast enough so the little "skunk works" kind of guys are moving in.

It's actually quite disappointing to bridge the gap between what's out there and what could be there.


You can find the brightest LED flashlight for sale at http://www.elektrolumens.com .

I own one and have ordered another. They are modified Mag-lite. They are brighter than an original 3D Maglite at close range. The workmaship is excellent.

Other than the "lambda", the ARC LS is the brightest, pocketsize, regulated LED flashlight available. You can get them from ARC, in the form of a "second", these are second rate and have little if any flaws other than they did not meet the owner Peter Gransee's high-specs. I don't know if any are available right now, if not you can get the Inova X5, it's about $35 and is pocketable and very bright. The Tektite (Trek) Expedition 1900 is a 3-C cell flashlight ($129) that is almost as bright at the ARC LS but puts out a more diffused beam.
Besides the size diff, the 3D will give you a much longer run time. If size or weight aren't a factor, get the 3D. TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by splitsec524:
There are conflicting answers in here. Which is brighter? The lambda or http://www.elektrolumens.com .??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The lambda is the brightest "pocket-size" LED flashlight, the elektrolumens is brighter but much bigger too.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by splitsec524:
There are conflicting answers in here. Which is brighter? The lambda or http://www.elektrolumens.com .??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


The color is not the "pee green" the camera rendered it as. It's actually a rather nice white.
yeah I visited his site and am very impressed with the products. I'm going to purchase at least one next week. Is the Dual LED light alot brighter then the single ones. Also whats the big difference between the 3 C cell and 3 D cell besides size?
wow, that XP4 with the quad circuit sure is impressive! now that's what i call destructive light!(to someone's eyes at least)