What is the brightest penlight ?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2004
North Central Pennsylvania. USA
I am looking for the brightest penlight that uses either AA or AAA batteries. It must be in the $25.00 or less range. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It can be either LED or incandesent. Thanks!

I just got one for my wife to use in her veterinary clinic. The light has some problems IMO, but there isn't a lot available for that particular niche.
beezaur....what did you get her?

While I cannot say that it is the brightest pocket light, the Nuwai .5 2xAAA is a pretty nice light and is in your price range.
"what did you get her?"

AAA MiniMag. She wanted something metal and green with a pocket clip, didn't care that much about push-button action. I think the thing was that those little white plastic disposable ones were "getting to her."

I read too quickly above -- I think the AA MiniMags are great lights. The AAAs have a pretty short runtime and bulb life for my tastes. If you can live with that, they are fine.
