Difficult choice. I have the CS, GS, and Snow. I really want to say Snow but in practice for some reason I don't use it that often. I guess the led longevity issue bugs me at the back of my mind at some level, even though in practice I know not to care about it. I'm also maybe saving it as a present for someone so I want to keep it looking new.
The CS has a cleaner beam than the GS but I overall prefer the GS to the CS because of better tint and more output. I've sort of been thinking of ordering a DS just for completeness.
The BS is certainly the one that's given me the most satisfaction (I've had it over 5 years now, time sure flies). It fell off my shelf into a junkpile recently and I haven't been able to find it, but I'm sure it will turn up.
Is there a way to tell a CS from a DS? I can recognize Snow from the tint, GS from the hotspot shape, and the BS from the old-style (straight sided) head, but I don't see a way to distinguish the CS from the DS short of comparing their brightnesses side by side with matched battery voltages.