What is your favorite ARC AAA LED

What ARC AAA LED do you prefer

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 24, 2007
I like to see what LED you guys prefer since the Snow, DS, and GS have been out for awhile now.
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I voted for the CS as well. My primary Arc AAA use is for navigating in the house while the rest of the family is asleep. The CS puts out more than enough light, but not enough to emphasize the big outer ring in the beam that's so apparent on my DS and GS. I like the Snow just fine, but the tint of the others has never bothered me.
I voted for the DS but it is really a toss up between the DS and the GS. I have the DS on my keychain and the GS is attached to my Strider pouch.

It seem that the DS,GS, and Snow are pretty close in popularity. Is this reflective with the actual sales of these lights
I've had BS, CS, and DS Arc's, of those my favorite is my current DS. The jump from DS to GS wasn't enough of an increase in output to warrant the step up for me.
Difficult choice. I have the CS, GS, and Snow. I really want to say Snow but in practice for some reason I don't use it that often. I guess the led longevity issue bugs me at the back of my mind at some level, even though in practice I know not to care about it. I'm also maybe saving it as a present for someone so I want to keep it looking new.

The CS has a cleaner beam than the GS but I overall prefer the GS to the CS because of better tint and more output. I've sort of been thinking of ordering a DS just for completeness.

The BS is certainly the one that's given me the most satisfaction (I've had it over 5 years now, time sure flies). It fell off my shelf into a junkpile recently and I haven't been able to find it, but I'm sure it will turn up.

Is there a way to tell a CS from a DS? I can recognize Snow from the tint, GS from the hotspot shape, and the BS from the old-style (straight sided) head, but I don't see a way to distinguish the CS from the DS short of comparing their brightnesses side by side with matched battery voltages.
Is there a way to tell a CS from a DS? ......I don't see a way to distinguish the CS from the DS short of comparing their brightnesses side by side with matched battery voltages.
That is how I tell the difference between my CS and DS Arcs, they are identical on the outside, but the DS is brighter.