Re: what do you think is the BEST SUREFIRE LIGHT?
Maybe you should word the title as "What is your favorite surefire", or maybe which one do you like the best. My line of thought on this is there are models that I really like and would like to have, but they aren't necessarily the best or most practical for me to have. For example I'd love to have a 10x, but I don't use a rechargable enough to justify the money. Whereas having something like an C3T which at this point is much cheaper for me over the long run. Doesn't mean I won't get the 10x, just means that its not the best for what I do. Right now, my favorite is actually a Z2 with an SRTH turbohead, because it equals or exceeds the light output and throw of my mags while still having a great beam. Ahh.......almost forgot, my next one will be an aviator. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif That'll probably be my new favorite and edc. Replacing my E2D and E1e. Mainly though my favorite ones are the ones that throw. I have enough short range lights.