What light made you a flashaholic?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 28, 2003
Sycamore, Illinois
I've always liked flashlights, ever since I was 2 or 3, anyway. My parents let me hold an old Eveready stainless steel 2D cell flashlight during a really bad thunderstorm back in 1974 or 1975. It helped calm me down a little bit. Ever since then, I've just had this fascination with flashlights. I'm sure you can all relate.

I've always had more flashlights than most people I knew, and always carried a couple in my car, but it wasn't until sometime around 1998 (give or take a year or two) that I got a light that made me even more interested in flashlights. It was a PAL Light. It was my first LED light. I thought it was so cool that it used a 9-volt battery, and had that "always-on" glow mode.

Even though the LED in that light has turned very blue for some reason (why is that, by the way?), and I don't use it any more, it still holds a place of honor in my collection for being the light that converted me from a guy who liked flashlights into a true flashahloic who, according to his friends and coworkers, is completely out of control when it comes to flashlights.

So what flashlight(s) made you "turn the corner?"
Im pretty sure LEDs turn "angry blue" when their about to die, for me it was my uncles 6P that started me on my fascination of flashlights
The Surefire E2DL and A2 Aviator lights.
Both of them convinced me, possibly irrevocably... need more lights !!
1 AA Rayovac incan circa 1983.

Red plastic bezel/slide switch and metal body. I can't explain it but this was what got me started, no doubt in my mind. I carried it during the daytime too.

After I lost it I got a HE-MAN squeeze light. I was instantly amazed that it would never run out of power and long as I could squeeze it. Sure was loud though. It's size killed any carry but the lanyard went around the bedpost so I could always find it.

Now I love LED's because of lower power consumption and still concentrate on long long runtimes over huge output.
For me it started when I was in high school - way back in 1980 and I used money I got for christmas to buy a blue anodized Mag 4D. Subsequently picked up a few 2AA and 2AAA over the years but not a real serious photon fanatic.

That all changed when I found this web site and with the release of the Surefire U2 and Lionheart :eek:oo::eek:oo::eek:oo:. From there it was no turning back!

The rest is history.

It was always in my blood from a child...just financing it became easier as a adult. I think you are either born with it or not...
It was my 10 million candlepower Sharper Image spotlight (Basically a 10 million candlepower Thor) that turned me into a Flashaholic. When I bought it I was amazed at how it looked so much brighter and had so much more throw than my 3 million candlepower twin beam Vector.
first flashlight i bought after the 94 earthquake in northridge. I think it was a yellow everready
During college I was really into mag AA and AAA. In about 1996 a co-worker introduced me to the SL Scorpion. I was hooked. I then started looking for better and brighter. That led me to flashlightreviews and then here!!
Duracell Durabeam around 1985-6. Even back then I asked for, and got, a second identical light.
You know... for back up! :D
Duracell Durabeam around 1985-6. Even back then I asked for, and got, a second identical light.
You know... for back up! :D

I had one of those back in high school. (2AA version) I really liked that light. Several years back, I was in an old hardware store that happened to have those still on the shelf. I bought 3 or 4 of them. They still are in the original packages.
I cannot remember my first light. I just always remember that I was fascinated with handheld lights at an early age. Through my early teens it was mags and then when I was 19 old I bought my first surefire (9Z) at a gun show. I actually sold it on CPFMP a year or so ago.

It has all gotten very expensive since then, but i love it.
rc-n3 about 6 weeks ago.

thanks besinbenny:twothumbs:twothumbs

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