What Mods to a Mini Mag 2 "AA" ????



Hey all,

I bought a Minimag 2 AA the other night to tide me over until I find out what light I want to get. It performed very well under the circumstances. The only negative is that it is not comfortable holding it in your teeth while working with both hands.
I am thinking about trying to find some shrink tube to try and fixt the problem of using it in the teeth. Other than that I am at a loss as to what other mods that I should look into to make it a better light.
Do you all have any suggestions???


The company that make "nit-ize" and some of the other maglight assories also has a rubber "tooth-bit" made especially for holding the mini-mag in your teeth...

The idea of "spit-soaked" flashlights will get old in a hurry and you'll soon discover the benefits of a headlight. I bought the 3- LED unit Aurora from Priceton Tech and I like it really well. My Ray-o-vac "adventure" headlamp modded with a Luxeon Star has kind of become my favorite tho... More usable light and runs longer than my mini-mag by far.