what shape reflector/optic would make a P7 100% throw?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
after putting a direct drive P7 in my spear *clone* and getting very good results (throws a long way with medium spill) im curious if its possible to throw all the light?

throwing 500+ lumens in a tight hotspot would be fun :)

can it be done ?
A lens would do it, but you'd get a projected image of the four dies, so there is a limit to how intense your 'hotspot' would be. Do a search, I'm sure there are beamshots of such a setup around here somewhere.
Using a P7 with an McR38 with the emitter hole enlarged makes the best throwing combo for a P7 that I have used to date.
I had a KT1 that I picked up dirt cheap and made a dedicated tower module that is loaded in from the front and thermal adhesived into place and running the P7 direct drive from an 18650 does a good job of throwing as well.

Not 100% throw like you said but the best 2 combos I have been able to come up with so far.

Has anyone tried a P7 in the Surefire L6 reflector? To me, it seems like the L6 just begs for a P7.

I know Milky has.
My friend and member 1WRX7 has one.
The beam is very nice. It came with a diffuser film on the window and I can't remember if he took it off or not, but I remember it having a nice beam.

IMO, an MC-E does a little better job in the KL6.