What things are you surprised people DON'T have?


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Sub_Umbra said:
One day I was talking to one of them about his business in this area that was mainly visited by tourists to the city and he said, "You know what people ask me most?" I shook my head and he said, "They smile and ask me, 'What do people do with these things, anyway?'"

Oh good grief. D.I.Y. is truly becoming a lost art...:rolleyes:


Aug 3, 2004
Too many people don't seem to have to ability to think for themselves. They watch the party line propaganda on the TV news broadcasts and just buy into like it's undisputed fact. It doesn't occur to them to question anything, or look at other sources of information. It boggles my mind how the average American is so manipulated by the mass media.


Oct 15, 2005
Southern California
Lightmeup said:
Too many people don't seem to have to ability to think for themselves. They watch the party line propaganda on the TV news broadcasts and just buy into like it's undisputed fact. It doesn't occur to them to question anything, or look at other sources of information. It boggles my mind how the average American is so manipulated by the mass media.

Common Sense

Many people are missing all three of those.


Jan 1, 2006
Somewhere in OK
Planterz said:
Common sense and a modicum of self-sufficiency.

Very Good! In that vein we can add, takiing responsibility for their own actions, rather than enpowering lawyers.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
Things I see that people don't have (sorry for some repeats):

Courtesy & common sense for sure.
A thirst for knowledge, or even plain ol' curiosity.
The desire to read, just for pleasure.
The ability to see and understand anything except either "black or white."
The ability to do what they are told.
The ability to question what they're told.
An understanding of what propoganda is all about (it's not just a political thing, btw).
Moderation (not always the same thing).
The ability to forgive and to (at least sometimes) forget.
Empathy, sympathy, and compassion.
The ability to control their temper.
A sincere smile.
A sense of humor that doesn't come at someone else's expense.
A basic sense of right and wrong and the willingness to always do something (or not) based on that.

It seems to boil down to people not understanding that The Golden Rule, "Doing Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You," does not mean something you'd find an X-rated website :eek:oo: .


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
Actually, all I ask for from this world is just a sense of integrity.

As I mentioned once, I do not believe in discipline. To me, discipline is a word that has grown profoundly negative connotations thanks to it being continually used as an excuse to whack people. It's more vulgar than the four letter word to me.

So, as one would logically ask, without that, why hasn't my life run amok?


That's because I believe in integrity. To me, discipline is what makes you do the right thing when other people are watching with the stick and if you don't do it, you get whacked. INTEGRITY is what makes you do the right thing when NOBODY is watching. Been tempted to sell out? Been tempted to do it when "you'll never get caught"? Yes, I have been tempted - integrity is the reason I walk away and say "No, this is not the right thing to do and I will not do it". For a real-life example see the littering thread. You're miles from civilization. There's nobody but the animals watching, or maybe even the animals aren't watching. Watcha gonna do with the coke bottle or plastic bag? You can bet I'll fold it up nicely and put it back in my pocket or bag till I get back and find a bin.

It is a far more powerful driving force because it comes from within. Others may call it by different names, but this is what I call it. For there will be many moments in your life when nobody will be watching. Will you do the right thing? To me, integrity is a cornerstone and a foundation.

Unfortunately for too many others, they have gone out of their way to prove to me that once again, this is too much to ask for.


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
When I grew up, I got spankens with the bare hand, with a belt, and with a pancake turner; and I think I turned out at least alright.
Though often times, when I hear the word "discipline", I immediately think of "a spanken" and nothing more. :eek:
Even though that word means so much more.

What I think many people are missing has been well-covered here already, but here goes anyway:

o Self-spanken - er - uh - self discipline. ;)
o An appreciation for the little things - not a SureFire 10X Dominator or a Benchmade knife.
o The ability to see and understand anything except "black & white".'
o The ability to do what they are told.
o The ability to question what they're told.
o A cigerette lighter - even if they do not use tobacco.
o A flashlight that *WORKS* - this need not be an expensive flashlight either.
o Batteries.
o A battery tester or a DMM.
o Common hand tools, like phillips & standard screwdrivers, pliers, wire nips, etc.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
Some more...

A gentleman always carries: a watch, a handkerchief, a comb, and a pocket knife. Ain't many gentlemen around these days by at least 50% of that definition.

Once upon a time, one of my brother in laws cut his hand. I pulled a Band Aid out of my wallet. He was amazed I had one. His brother said that all real men carry Band Aids in their wallet. Brother in law with cut hand said he doesn't have any. Other brother points at him and says, "See what I mean!?!" He should have seen that one coming from a mile away.

Decent extension cords, in good condition, and rated for the job. "Naw, don't need one. I taped together a few 99 cent ones from MallWart and that's good enough for... ZZZZZAAAAAPPPP, FLASH, BOOM"

A fully inflated, regular sized spare tire -- I hate Silly Spares/Doughnuts!

Spare fuses and bulbs for the car. "I only got one headlight, but bygawd, it's a hi-beam!"


Kitchen knives that are sharp. Most folks have knives that wouldn't cut a fart.

Decent maps in the car. Not the AAA-type ones, that show only the interstates, but ones that show every goat path in the area.

A phone book. I have several neighbors who toss them out and then come to my house to find one.

A fuel can that doesn't leak.

Clean hands. You don't wanna know, trust me. Well, OK, here goes since you've been warned -- once saw a nice, well dressed, young, Yuppie couple walk through our produce department, looking for just the right fruit and vegetables... as she was picking her nose. Now you know why it's suggested that you wash all your produce when you bring it home. :awman:

An "off" button on the cell phone, television, and videogame.

A good chew toy for the dog. Cheap amusement for all envolved.

A voter registration card. Again, cheap (or maybe not) amusement for all envolved.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 31, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
I agree with just about everything that has been said in this thread.

My every day carry consists of a leatherman multitool, lighter (note that I do not smoke), 2 pens, pocket knife (CR sebenza), wallet with bandaids inside, and of course Arc AAA-P with keys and my XR60 on belt.

I don't carry a handkerchief (I am a tissue person) and I don't carry a comb (my hair doesn't need it). So I fail by chmsam's defenition of gentleman I am afraid. I will say that if I do go to a formal event I will carry a handkerchief and comb though.

One thing that I find that a lot people don't know much about is car maitenence/car anatomy. Laughable really! Cars are great for keeping spare stuff (why not keep car bulbs/fuses in your car?), including combs, razors, umbrellas, etc. I wouldn't keep high value goods in my car unattended though.


Apr 21, 2005
The Netherlands - one foot below sea level
So, there are quite some material and immaterial needs to fulfil.
I agree with most of the immaterial ones. Coming from Europe, it's surprising to see the similarities. So either American and European societies don't differ all that much, or CPF attracts the kind of people that has a certain set of ideas, regardless of boundaries.

I myself was never severly spanked, but my parents would pinch me real good if I disbehaved in public. And there was the occasional slap on the buttocks.

Also they could stare you down with what we called the "yard face": my grandfather was a school principal, and ended all disturbances in his school yard with one threatening glare. My mother inherited it, LOL.
