What to do with an original Tigerlight?


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2006
I was going through some boxed up stuff in my closet and found three original Tigerlights (with the gold ring). It looks like they've been discontinued now.

So I'm just wondering if these have any value to try and sell them? I don't really think they're ever been used, but they are the older model. Any idea what they might be worth?

And if I kept one, is there any drop-in type mod that I could do that might be interesting? I just don't have much use for a long throw light this size, but something crazy bright that's a little more useful might be fun.

If you don't want them, sell them. They are still completely serviceable, I just got a replacement battery for mine a few months ago.
They are coming out with an LED dropin. They claim 600 lumens for 2 hours.
You can contact a modder like Milkyspit, contact Tigerlight, wait for their drop-in, or search for Tigerlight hotwires.
The new drop-in is a Terralux, for what it's worth. Very bright. I like it.

Is it just the TL-300MR (bi-pin) or is is a custom similar one made for TL ? I''ve been thinking hard about just getting a tle-300 and trying it out, I don't know if I could get it to heat sink properly though.

Someone really needs to build a P7 and appropriate buck driver with a low voltage warning to drop in the tigerlight, that would be very handy.
It's not a custom-job at all. Just a standard (as far as I can tell) TLE300. Not sure if it was the MR or not.

BTW, I liked the TLE300 so much I bought one myself.
Any ideas what they might be worth?
Depends on a few different factors. Are they the standard version or the short FBOP version? Are they complete with chargers? Are their batteries still in good shape (doubtful after three years, but possible)? As Tigerlight is selling the original Series I models on closeout for $100 complete with battery and charger, even in perfect shape with a good battery, I doubt you'd get more than $70-75 each for them. I paid $62 for a replacement battery early this year, so if they needed batteries, it would be more like $30-40 probably since the new ones are going for cheap.
Yup. They just announced the pre-order for either just the module to drop in to a TL, or a TL with module pre-installed.

Hrmmm.... why would you have to send your current light in to be upgraded? I'm thinking they pot the module into the head, and to do that they'd have to wrench the loctited head off the body and make that the open-up part of the light. In that picture it really does look like a TLE-300...
Does anyone happen to know if the new LED retrofit is compatible with the FBOP version of the Tigerlight? It would be a shame to leave the 3 I have off to the side sitting with upgraded chargers and new battery packs.

Thanks in advance for the reply.
Yes, the module is compatible with either FBOP or OC.

As for why you'd have to send your light in, Michael told me that there are actually (in terms of exact geometry) three different TigerLight Gold System flashlight heads, and the module heat sink must mate properly with the inner surface in order to ensure good cooling. So, I suspect that they either pick the right module for your head, or somehow adjust or replace the head (???). I don't honestly know, but I'll ask Michael and post back here.
Depends on a few different factors. Are they the standard version or the short FBOP version? Are they complete with chargers? Are their batteries still in good shape (doubtful after three years, but possible)? As Tigerlight is selling the original Series I models on closeout for $100 complete with battery and charger, even in perfect shape with a good battery, I doubt you'd get more than $70-75 each for them. I paid $62 for a replacement battery early this year, so if they needed batteries, it would be more like $30-40 probably since the new ones are going for cheap.

Thanks, that's what I was looking for, kind of a starting point. I appreciate it.
If it is a drop-in originally designed for a more popular light like the Mag, it makes sense that they would need to adapt it to fit the TigerLight perfectly. Proper heatsinking can make a huge difference in LED temperature and efficiency.

They look like good lights to me, but I have never tried one.
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I am buying a tigerlight and just sent a message asking what the pricing would be for a new Series II with the new 600 drop in. They don't seems to offer it in the CPF special. I hope there would be some discount for the original bulb. Will let you know.

I am tempted to wait for the Series III but don't think I will make it.

I am buying a tigerlight and just sent a message asking what the pricing would be for a new Series II with the new 600 drop in. They don't seems to offer it in the CPF special. I hope there would be some discount for the original bulb. Will let you know.

I am tempted to wait for the Series III but don't think I will make it.



Have you not seen this special offer page?

Or am I misunderstanding your post?
I was thinking that if I ordered the 600 drop in, I would not need the original unit that comes with a series II light (either the Generation 4 or the 375). Since I am buying new, and not returning a previously purchased light, and I am adding the 600 drop in, I don't need any other lamp. So basically, I am buying a lightless flashlight and a separate lamp. I hoped there might be a price drop for not needing the original light.

Am I making any sense?

Here is the Tigerlite responese:


Right now we don't have a model that just comes with the LED drop in, it may be added soon.

The Gen 4 is a lamp that puts out about 275 lumens and the 375 model 375 lumens

I just put together a quote whhich should have been emailed to you. Please contact us if you didn't get it or if you have any questions.
