What to do with batteries in different conditions?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 6, 2008
I got a question that's bothering me for quite a while. I have both Li-ion-batteries and NiMH-batteries and using them for a few years. From time to time I'm buying new batteries, so now I have some older more often used ones and newer lesser used ones. I know you can mix batteries in different charged states, usage time etc... So I tend to use batteries with the same condition in the same application so not to mix them up. I got a small collection of batteries so I know when I bought which battery and how much usage it got. So whats your way of not mixing up batteries in different conditions? Do you label them or store them at different places?

Each "set" of cells are in individual little blue canvas zip bags. That way I just grab a light, and a couple bags and I'm off. I like the 20r's and have 4 sets. All are new, but some get used in lights I take out more often, so I like to keep them together.
I think I have charging OCD. All my cells must be fully charged as soon as I take them out of the light. I can't take out even a slightly drained cell without charging right away. That's the way if anything ever happens, every cell I own is fully charged, ready to go, in their own individual bags.
From 10440 - 32650 I'm fully equipped.
Eneloops are already dated, so I just store them in plastic cases labeled "singles" or "paired". So for things like 2AA lights, GPS, TV remotes or whatever takes 2 batteries, I try to get them in pairs. The "singles" just get used randomly in 1AA lights/headlamps.

Specific lights don't have specific batteries (i.e. "this battery is for my H52w only"). But my 18650s seem to belong to specific lights (no real point in using protected batteries in Zebralights)