Have your purchases changed in the past year? Do you buy less lights and spend less money than you did a year ago? Two years ago? Do you buy more lights and spend more money? Less lights and more money? More lights and less money? Or have they basically stayed the same in the past year(s). I am not incluiding lights you bought to give as gifts here, these are strictly for your own use.
I have found that each year I buy less lights, and spend less on them than I did in previous years when I started buying a lot of flashlights. I only bought 4 last year which was down from about 8 the previous year and more than that the year before. This year I have bought none so far, and am only considering a new Inova T1, possibly...
I have found that each year I buy less lights, and spend less on them than I did in previous years when I started buying a lot of flashlights. I only bought 4 last year which was down from about 8 the previous year and more than that the year before. This year I have bought none so far, and am only considering a new Inova T1, possibly...