Time to revive this one! Decided to try out Budget offerings.
So a few days back I purchased a Convoy T3.
Titanium light with a metal tailcap switch.
Then purchased a tiny almost handful of Sofrin models.
(New to both brands.) Sofrin IF22A, one of those. Pocket thrower.
But Sofrin warns on their website, it might have a crack in the lens.
Apparently a common issue with that model. What to do?
Obvious answer, get another Budget Pocket thrower of course!
One without that possible issue. Do some research. Back to Convoy!
'Bout an hour ago, Purchased Convoy M1 w/ 6500K SST40 emitter.
Bit less throw than the Osram version. But big jump in lumens.
As far as the SST40 will project, you'll be able to see more clearly.
So, I have an M1 on the way. Along with a T3 that already arrived.
Well, can you guys guess what's missing in-between the 1 and 3?
Yup! Using Flashaholic logic, I just had to get the Convoy S2+.
And I did! Right before posting this. Good deal too. Under $16.oo
(No battery, pretty much nothing except the light and a lanyard.)
Still a sweet deal. More of a general beam flashlight.
Not a dedicated thrower. Also SST40, but in 5000K.
Oh yeah, also picked up a shiny Stainless Steel clip for my T3.
(Sadly, no Titanium clip available. And a black clip for the M1).
Both bezel-down carry. So that's how I went from zero Sofrin.
And zero Convoy to six in total (three each) in a few days.