Wurkkos TS10 V2 MAO white 4000K, because I love MAO, and Anduril. The TS10 is my favorite indoor EDC ;-)
I used a free photo app called Yamera, White balance set to 4400K and Tint set to -15, in order to produce a beam color that resembles what my eyes see, at noon indoors on a partly cloudy day.
Anduril defaults I changed (with notation on how to change each setting):
1. put the light in Advanced mode (10H from off in Simple Mode)
2. disabled POVD (PostOffVoltageDisplay) (3C from off to start battery voltage check, then 7H and release on 2nd blink). For now, I kept Aux in Voltage Display color at low brightness
3. changed battery check (3C) blinks to use Red Aux (did 3C two times)
4. changed stepped ramping to 12 steps instead of 7 (7H from On in stepped ramping mode, release at 3rd blink, then 2C and 1H). 1H = 10C
5. changed smooth ramping to half speed. (7H from On in smooth ramping mode, release at 3rd blink, then 2C)
6. disabled fade on, fade off.. (10H from On, release at 5th blink). I prefer instant on and off
The light arrived w 2024 firmware that limits Turbo to 50% (575 lumens) and uses what I consider to be a reasonable ceiling (360 lumens). By default 2C from off gives ceiling, and 2C from On gives Turbo.
A note about the MAO, the finish on this one is not chalky, I did not feel the need to polish off the top coat. It seems Wurkkos has improved their MAO finish process.