whats the difference ?

flash bang

Newly Enlightened
Mar 4, 2008
Between a buch of flash lights and a collection?
how is it defined, loosley or otherwise?
in quanity, number of brands? lights used or displayed?
How do You define it?:shrug:
Each of my 40+ flashlights has been carefully chosen after some deep investigation into its specs, performance, etc. And each single piece has been bought because I liked its appearance.

I can not call them a bunch of lights. :)
Very well said!!

Is it safe to say we "collect" once we make a delberate effort to gain more torches than we need/have need for? LOL

Each of my 40+ flashlights has been carefully chosen after some deep investigation into its specs, performance, etc. And each single piece has been bought because I liked its appearance.

I can not call them a bunch of lights. :)