what's up with the flickering????


Dec 5, 2007
My ultrafire c3, and mte c2 both flicker more often than not!!! Is this the norm? Do you folks just live with it or what???

I cleaned (wiped off)the contacts that I could easily get to, made sure the switch and led units are tight... Now what???

TIA for any help...
I don't have experience with those models, but it sounds like what you're experiencing is the side effect of a brightness control method called pulse width modulation (PWM). PWM works by switching the light on and off many times a second, which your eye is detecting as flickering. You can't really do much about it except to choose lights that have high frequency PWM (too high for the eye to detect) or to choose lights that are direct drive.

An alternative is that your batteries may be low, but I don't think that'll change things.
Did you remove both the head and tail and clean the contacts with isopropyl? Also check the ends of the body for anodizing or crud on the bare aluminum. They could also need a paperclip/washer spacer fix for either the head or tail.