When will the ARC LS be readily available?

Basically, Arc Flashlight has concluded that the Arc LS does not meet its performance goals and they will discontinue it shortly. The concept has been extensively rewoked into a new model, which is being called the Arc-LS2. Mr Gransee has stated that the 2 model will introduce reliable waterproofing, higher output and better heat management. Following the LS2 will be an LS3 model based on the new 5 watt Luxeon Star LED. No release dates have been announced and Mr. Gransee is being careful not to create expectaions. My guess is November for the first availablity of the LS2.
You might want to check with Peter, I just got an ARC LS "second" from him for $70 w/ all 3 battery packs. My understanding is that it is a first in all ways but it had to be serviced by ARC for a flux problem. It is an outstanding light and has quickly become my EDC light.

I got a second from the same batch and it is a very good light. The ability for the head to interact with the 123 battery chamber has improved considerably over the initial release of the Arc LS. The anodizing on the head is scraped somewhat in one spot, I believe as a result of fixing the flex problem but I consider it a bargain nonetheless. I now throw the light in my pocket without second thought.
I just received my Arc-LS from Department services that I ordered about a year ago. It is a first run #1115, I have a first run #40 and the one I just got has that green tint to it, but a more rounder beam/hot spot. I will try and get some pictures up later
I spent all night and a good part of the afternoon going through the led museum site and then reading the ARC LS forum. Before I got too cross eyed, I ordered an ARC LS Second (no firsts available), but, I will take what I can get. It is not likely that it will be my most used LED light. Given what I have read on the forum, it will have its place. I like the battery options a whole lot.

The LED light I use the most, is a CMG Infinity to light my way up the stairs at night. I have a Lightwave 4000 and Illuminater, CC Trek, and 2 Brinkmann Rebels. I found that to get the seal loosened, just use a pair of channel locks (gently). I also have a Petzl Zoom w/3 led bulb and another 2 AA headlamp with a 2 LED bulb and energizer lithiums. Each to its own niche in application.

Some of you guys collect light a phenomenal rate. I can't afford to do that, so I depend on the reviews. As a result of that, I killed my idea of getting the light 2000/2100, based on the 50 foot shootout. I have never seen such a dismal showing. The ARC LS impressed me a whole lot. Thank you for the great work in reviews and such!
FWIW, my ARC LS second came from a first run and is # 630. The quality of the beam is excellent and IMO it outperforms my LI and the Ill Pill, since sold, both of which are very fine lights. Unfortunately the QC of LS's is not particularly great, although everything has an associated cost, but this particular ARC LS has a very white centered beam, and the versatility of the various battery packs is shweet. I especially like the CR123 option, even more so since Aragorn pointed out the sale at CheapBatteries for Duracell DR223's, see my ad in the Buy & Sell(shameless plug)
. The build quality of Peter's light is second only to my E2E, you know you guy's are really bad on my wallet. Oops, I guess you is we
. Anyway I can't imagine anyone not being thrilled w/ an ARC LS at $70 and from what I've seen if you're not you can easily resell it for what you paid.
Can somebody tell me what this flux or flex problem is with the Arc LS?

It related to the PCB in the light bending under the pressure from the battereis when turned on, that caused an intermittant contact between the ground on the board and the metalwork of the head, making it flicker and eventually quit working. It may also have caused the solder joints of some components to fracture, causding a similar effect.
The first failure mode was the one found to be the most common, and with a little care, the folks at Arc could take the affected heads apart, repair and improve the ground connection so the problem could not re-occur, and re-assemble it good as new.

Originally posted by shootist16:
Been away from the forum for awhile. Any updates on the ARC LS?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">----------------------------------------
I drug my heels on the first LS.
I guess I am going to jump on this one.
I emailed asking to pre-pay.
Place to get the NEW ARC in October

Even this first run is beautiful!

Something to feed it with..
DIY 123's
Originally posted by Chris M.:
Can somebody tell me what this flux or flex problem is with the Arc LS?

It related to the PCB in the light bending under the pressure from the battereis when turned on, that caused an intermittant contact between the ground on the board and the metalwork of the head, making it flicker and eventually quit working. It may also have caused the solder joints of some components to fracture, causding a similar effect.
The first failure mode was the one found to be the most common, and with a little care, the folks at Arc could take the affected heads apart, repair and improve the ground connection so the problem could not re-occur, and re-assemble it good as new.

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Thanks for the answer Chris. I have an LS that appears to sometimes go into a "moon mode" even with fresh batteries. It looks to be at about one half to one third regular brightness. If I remove the head completely and then screw it back on, it seems to correct itself. It doesn't happen very often or for any particular reason. And, very very rarely, the light won't come on at all (usually with the aa battery packs). Again, removing the head and re-attaching it seems to correct the problem.

Anybody else ever have this problem or know what the problem may be?
