Where to buy 18500 / 14500 LiIon cells?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 28, 2004
Toronto, Ontario
Hi all, I'm just wondering if anybody has a few good sources for 18500/17500/14500 cells? I've searched all over and all I have found are batteryspace.com and slavin4u.com. Any other options around?
Where abouts would I find one of the 14500 cells? I looked at Lithium but I don't think the ones listed there are rechargeable ones. I did notice that a 26500 cell exists though... any possibility of that size existing as a LiIon cell? Thanks!
Because of the nice format with 3xCR123/2x18500 I consider to add my battery arsenal with several 18500 batteries.
The new restrictions with lithium batteries from USA makes this complicated, however.

Anyone who knows where I can buy AW 18500s(or eventual other protected of high quality)? I live in Sweden.

Oh, I see this thread is 8 years old!
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The thread may be old, but the problem is new because of changes in the US Postal Service (USPS) rules. I am planning on trying fstoplights in Singapore. They carry AW. Some sizes are out of stock and I am waiting until they get more stock.

Here is a fresher, up-to-date recommendation:


Based in the Netherlands, this small reputable outfit offers a wide range of decently priced quality brand-names batteries in various chemistries:

- Lithium
- NiMh - (Eneloop - wide range)
- Alkalines

Furthermore, their registrated shipping charges within Europe are very reasonable.


Thank you for the tips!

I don't find 18500s at the site in Netherlands, but in the Singapore site there are!
Thanks __philippe,

However I see that battery is only 1100mAH and it's IMR. I think that can provide even higher current but is not protected?
Hi Swedpat!

AW 14500 you can get at the swedish site ridge.se.
Googeling 18500 gave some hits in the UK but I only saw IMR.
I don't think they need protection since they are safe chemistry, but as you said lower capacity.
ledfiretorches have AW IMR.
Lumens Factory have AW 18500 1500mAh.
I don't think they have any restrictions on shipping batterys.
I have ordered some stuff from them a cople of years ago without problem.
Thanks GunnarGG,

I read the following information: All products are shipped through Hong Kong Post Office. So it should not be affected by the restrictions of USPS.
Hong Kong post went on 'battery lock down' jan 1. The degree of restrictions is a bit fuzzy, but any batteries coming through at the same price and with the same packing is ignoring them.
Hong Kong post went on 'battery lock down' jan 1. The degree of restrictions is a bit fuzzy, but any batteries coming through at the same price and with the same packing is ignoring them.

I lived in Hong Kong from about 1994 to 1999 and everything is fuzzy there. Will this cause you restocking issues for AW?
Hi ElectronGuru,

Thanks for the information. I am not really sure I understand you correct, but do you mean that Hong Kong post will not ship loose lithium batteries just like USPS? And if they don't, how will any lithium battery reach Europe?...

Here is a fresher, up-to-date recommendation:


Based in the Netherlands, this small reputable outfit offers a wide range of decently priced quality brand-names batteries in various chemistries:

- Lithium
- NiMh - (Eneloop - wide range)
- Alkalines

Furthermore, their registrated shipping charges within Europe are very reasonable.



i tried to buy stuff from nkon today, but when i was about to pay them with paypal the bill said it cost a million euros, and i think that was a little on the expensive side.
I hope they'll fix that bug soon.
Does the same happen to you, philippe? if you could test.

I've sent them an email, but i would like to buy batteries today, as im going on vacation tomorrow. Would be nice to get the stuff about the same time i arrive home from vacation :)