Where to find "non -slip handle wrap" for C cell lights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2001
A very dark world.
I am trying to find the "foam rubber sleeves" that SOMEONE makes for C cell Maglights etc. I struck out on the Mag site - don't really know where to look - not knowing what they are called.
Say buddy can you spare me a link?
I've seen what you're looking for, but can't remember where. Couple of suggestions if you don't find it. 1. foam bicycle grip 2. tennis racket handle wrap. TX
The product from niteize is called grip'n clip around 6 bucks.
Nite-Ize makes two types of sleeves:

Grip Shield

Grip 'N Clip

As you can see, the Grip Shield is neoprene sleeve while the Grip 'N Clip is a neoprene sleeve with an adjustable hand strap and utility clip.

Fry's Electronics stocks these NiteIze sleeves, various NiteIze holsters, and a head band that will hold a Minimag, Arc LS, E2, Inova X5 etc. in a loop at the side of your head.
If you happen to ride bicycle you can always use a inner tube. They have to be replaced every couple years but in my case I get enough flats they are "free".

Don't get the niteize, I have one and it sucks. I wrote something about it in another post, but I forgot where.
at my hardware store there are two 3M products, they are both peel and stick tapes, the black tape that is more sand-papery than the white version, which is probably meant for secure footing on boats..I used the black stuff around the (narrow, smooth hard to grip) end cap of my Ultrastinger, works perfectly...
Thanks a bunch, everyone. I LOVE THIS FORUM... finally a place for the technological marvels of the internet to be put to some good use.
Pachmayr did make several slip on things for handguns, shotguns, and flashlights. I don't know if they still do and the work computer won't let me look at weapon related sites (like surefire) but i'll check into it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stainless:
Thanks a bunch, everyone. I LOVE THIS FORUM... finally a place for the technological marvels of the internet to be put to some good use.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep! The internet and computers are proving to be great flashlight accessories.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ToddM:
If you happen to ride bicycle you can always use a inner tube. They have to be replaced every couple years but in my case I get enough flats they are "free".


Clever! I'd have never thought of that, and I pride myself for my "out of the box" thinking.

What tube size works best on D-Cell? Maybe the one for a BMX bike?

I'm thinking of going to Wal-Mart and picking up a cheap inner tube -- the Duck(TM) brand duct tape I use always looks cheap.