Where to from here?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 4, 2009
I've had a few incans, but not many. I've had dual 100W H3 Spotlights, a ROP/LE High, a Roar-of-the-Dolphin, a Mag85 and lately a Mag625.

They're all fun in their own way, but none really "lit my flame".

Today, on a whim, I took possession of a LumensFactory EO-9 to go in an empty Solarforce L2 (with extender) to make use of some IMR18650's that were sitting spare.

In three words? I Love It!

It might "only" be 380 lumens, but I have 500 OTF Lumen LED's that just don't seem to cut through the dark as well.

But you all know this already... :)

The point of all of this is: If I'm going to go down this incan road, where to from here?

Do I go for a D36 host? What's your favourite small but mighty incan? (remembering I've done the Mag mod thing, and it hasn't worked for me)
Like the power of the 1185? It can be shoehorned into a Surefire 3 cell. A P91 in a 2 cell might be nice as well. WA1111 can also work in a 2 cell with the adapter socket.

There's just about every setup under the sun outlined in this thread.

Also if you can get your hands on a magcharger, the 1185 setup takes on a whole different feel. It should throw a bit further due to the larger and smoother reflector. Plus it's wicked old school.

If it's D36 you want, check out the FM prince 2x18500, if there's any still available. Basically a one stop deal for running the 1111 or 1185. Very nicely made as well.
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Kind of a Mag Mod but kind of not FM M*gFire


FM D36 18650 host You could get the 1x18650 and use 2xIMR16340 w/ FM's D36 Incan Socket module and a WA1111.

I'm actually getting tempted to do the 2nd suggestion myself. The FM D36 G4 socket is so enticing.
What about a MAC mini HID? I've run FM1909 bulbs in 3" SMO reflector which threw like laser, but a 14W Mac mini I got a few weeks back just put that light to shame, could run for an hour straight on 3x17670 and not overheat. And it's just as warm a color of light it's actually practical for use outdoors - assuming of course you want to be flooding your area with 1000 lumens. :)
LF IMR-9 drop in!!!

I'm already investigating that one :D

While I like the look of Mac's mini HID, it's a mag mod, and it's not an Incan. It would fit well in another part of my collection, just not this part.
Dx has a 15w 7.4v p60 LA for a few bucks that gives you a white beam with good legs. Great for daily use b/c it costs so little. Don't drop it when its hot though...

Better is the FM D26 'sunlight' host, a great option. Lets you put any G4 bulb into a d26/p60 host.
You could do a WA1185 in a 9P w 3s AW IMR 16340 (at ~8min run time or something). A wa1274 makes a nice medium output longer running option. IMHO best combo is 2s AW18650 (Black or IMR) WA1111. Bright, white, long-ish but runs on and on. (2s 18500's would be a shorter option)